Happy New Year

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Apr 26, 2010
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We got about a foot of snow Dec. 31 at our home place and about half that 6 miles away and 600 ft. lower. Started feeding one bunch of cows yesterday and called the others to feed today. Had a cow that we bought and was preg tested earlier than ours abort at home today. She was with the nurse cow group getting special attention. No matter how hard we try, we won't kill them all!

A little morning sun and ground fog to start the new decade off.

Feeder calves grained, hay and silage in self feeders. They got a new bed rolled out today too.

Processor is down with a wheel bearing gone. Rolling out hay, then oat, pea and barley silage topped with screening pellets.

Down the road to feed the cow herds.

Cows at the C2 place. Lots of young cows here and the grass had lost its value. Should have moved them a week ago but they will be fine now.

Storm rolling in.

We got to the Morrison Meadow yard right with the wind and snow. Heifers wouldn't come out of shelter to feed when I was there so no photos of them today.
This bunch of cows was full and fat, grass left but 2 feet of snow forecast by Saturday we wanted to get them bunched up.

The Boss counting the stragglers.

Home and done at 3:45
Happy New Year (a little late!)
Pictures are awesome. That was a full days work!
Wish we had the snow. Got about a foot right after Thanksgiving, and have had small amounts since then, but then temps have gone up, have had showers/rain. MUD!! hate it. Frozen with 6-12" of snow on ground would be PERFECT.
We have started calving. Only had 4 due on the 1st, then nothing until the 20th (bred a few before going on vacation each year). 1 calved on the 1st (well not sure if before or after midnight - but saw on camera about 2am all ready up & nursing).
Had 1 born during night & 1 born during the day today. Got 1 in labor right now.
We had rain all night on NYE, snow line was like 6000 ft elevation, Jan 1st was 5C/40F, I started feeding as well since I had to get the cows off my nice field before it got muddy
Hope y'all have a successful year!

we have midsummer, bright sun and smoke drifting across the Tasman... lots of green grass following a wet early summer and spring.
Another 8 inches of snow last night followed by +5 c and rain today. Yuk

Still have about 14 inches settled.

still snowing at 7;30 PM.
Started snowing her this afternoon. Expecting 6 inches or so. Looks like winter is here. Highs forecast Wednesday -27C. Knew it was coming, just wan't sure when.

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