Halter training ???

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Feb 15, 2007
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I caught my heifer in an alley, and put her halter on. I tied her up since she was pinched in the chute.

so here is the ?

do you let her drag the halter lead on the ground and for how many days.

when i tie her up, how high should I tie her up?

How many times should I do this, before she will like to be led in the halter.
i would never leave a halter on..... take it off evey night when you are done working with her........put it back on and tie her up every night........ when you first start tieing her up dont let her have any slack but tie her tight, dont tie so high because she will get mad but after a couple days you should tie her up so that her head is above the shoulders and where her face is almost parallel to the ground.
We don't let them drag the halters around. Reason being, they step on the lead and stop becuase there is pressure against their head. So they get used to stopping when there is any pressure put onto the halter.

As for tieing, we tie at shoulder level. Not too high, not too low. If it is too high, they can jump up into the fence and possibly injure themselvs and if it's too low, it's just uncomfortable for them.
The first time that we tie, is only for about an hour. I stay with them for the first time. I also put on the pads on the halter. Do this for several times and when they start settling down, take the show stick and touch them all over. Then start increasing the tie up time.
I do leave the halter on them for the first couple of weeks. Yes it does apply pressure on them when they step on it. But the pressure is different than when you want them to move forward.
ok thanks for all the help.

is there a certain ration of feed that works for a show heifer, when in training?
Here is a picture to use for a little example. Sorry Karen about using the picture, but it was for a good cause. i don't know if you can see it because from the computer i am on i just see the html code.
Here's the photo you were after (I dont mind):


But I would like to say, that the heifer in the picture was already well and truly broken in. I do not tie them up that high to begin with, because if she were to throw herself she would hang herself.

For a heifer that size, being tied up the first time I would tie her on the rail third from the bottom, with about a metres length of rope. This serves several purposes, firstly if she throws herself she can get back up without too much of a problem. Secondly she can move backwards and forwards, thus tightening and loosening the halter, and so she will learn that when she comes forward the pressure stops. Thirdly, once she is relaxed she can sit down, and I like them to be able to get comfortable the first few times on the halter, so they have a good experience.

If you tie them up too high and short the first time, you can cause a few problems - they can hang themselves, and also the rope will not slacken off so they will not learn to come forward.
we never leave the halter on them either. we go n everryday and recatch them. it gets them in the habit of the routine at the begining and the learn whats expected of them to do.
but you always have that one stubborn one you might have to rope and tie him off to a post so you can get it on him. but a few days of them being tied up and rubbed and brushed on they'll gentle right on down.
We never leave a halter on either. For the reasons listed. The biggest part of your training will be getting your heifer used to being handled EVERYWHERE, and gaining her trust. The more hours you can spend with a brush and show stick, the easier your halter breaking will be. You want her to be where she likes having the halter put on!
its good to tie them about as high as you are gonna hold their head when you are going to show so that they can get used to the strain of the rope

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