Greatest feeling in the world

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SBMF 2015

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Feb 15, 2020
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West Central,IL
I've got a group of fall cows that had decided that the corn on the other side of the fence is better than the ankle deep grass in the pasture. Two days in a row I have walked fence, chased cows, patched fence, and generally bein ticked at my cows. It has rained for days, every thing is mud.
So when my phone rang this morning I cringed. My land lords were calling to say that I had cows out of a different pasture. I sprang into "cows out" mode. Went and got my kids, broke the sound barrier on the country roads, pulled up to where we saw the escapes. . . NOT MY COWS!!! WAHOO! That moment of relief is unexplainable, lol. Called the neighbors and spent the next two hours rounding up their cows in their corn field. They had got out went across an 80 acre field of corn, across 20 acres of my alfalfa, and were standing at the gate wanting in with my cows. Their bull is still MIA. Always glad to help the neighbors, next time they'll probably have to help me.
Know that feeling... You hate the blasted things when they get out and yep, cringe when the phone rings again.... not that you wish it on the neighbor... but it is nice when they are NOT your pain in the butt cows....and helping the neighbors is always paid back at some point with them returning the favor.....
I know that feeling. Always hate it for whoever has the cattle out but always real relieved when they ain't mine. I don't even mind helping get them back in, and it nearly as nervous during that process either.
I got a call a few years ago from an angry neighbor, informing me one of my bulls was in with his heifers. Oh, that sinking feeling in the gut! Because I've had it happen with my heifers. And oh, that huge sigh of relief when I got there & it wasn't one of my bulls. But I helped make calls to find the rightful owner (who subsequently shot the bull because it was a jumper/traveler & mean as hell!).
Happened to me around ten o'clock at night a month back. Weren't mine thank the lord! Then again a week later, this time thanks to a gate left open. Same neighbor. I won't be so lucky next time. Can't dodge the bullet forever.
I gotta a call last week from Sherrifs dept that my cows were out. Stopped what I was doing and drove out there to find no cows out. When I called them back they said "we didn't really know were these cows where at but, thanks for checking so we didn't have too". Made me a little mad but guess it coulda been worse
It's actually almost enjoyable helping round up somebody else's cows! Sure a lot less stressful than when it's your own.

I got the 3am phone call accompanied by a deputy in the driveway once. Adrenaline kicked in and I was freaking out until he mentioned how hard it was to see those black cows at night. I immediately downshifted to sane mode, told the deputy whose they were and went down to the road to open the gate to my empty pasture I knew we'd have to catch them in. Sat on the 4 wheeler drinking coffee, looking at stars and flagging cars waiting for the owner.

Wasn't raining or cold, they weren't my cows and he bought me breakfast. Other than the two minutes between the phone ringing and finding out they weren't mine, it was a pretty nice morning. Of course I've started off a morning in my underwear falling face first in a manure pile running to a bawling calf with it's head caught in a gate because he wouldn't turn it 90 degrees. My standards might be low.:unsure:

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