Government Welfare

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Wewild":uvrrhbwz said:
johndeerefarmer":uvrrhbwz said:
Have you ever been a row crop farmer or a dairy farmer? If you haven't then you can't speak for them.

We have.

Have you answered my question?

I don't think I will get one.

Uh, maybe cause you don't know what you are talking about.... :lol:
And because your question has nothing to do with the original post.
johndeerefarmer":2qd2eqwy said:
Wewild":2qd2eqwy said:
johndeerefarmer":2qd2eqwy said:
Have you ever been a row crop farmer or a dairy farmer? If you haven't then you can't speak for them.

We have.

Have you answered my question?

I don't think I will get one.

Uh, maybe cause you don't know what you are talking about.... :lol:
And because your question has nothing to do with the original post.

How can you get back more than you pay in?

And as you age you will come to understand that you might can learn something.

I usually know what I'm talking about or I don't do it.

Answer the question or just go away.
Back to what I started...This goverment money was in place before I was born 60 plus years at least...Different names same thing... I will try to post a couple of web sight yall might like.... 1... type in name or address of property or person and fine out the price he/they paid$ for land 2...Type in name of person and see how much goverment (welfare)money they are getting...This will help new farmers know what land around them is selling for,and maybe help them afford there land payment....Yes I am tired of Big companys/corp.getting my tax dollars...MUCH REATHER IT BE A me or you (rep or demo)
alftn":2f8rz21p said:
Back to what I started...This goverment money was in place before I was born 60 plus years at least...Different names same thing... I will try to post a couple of web sight yall might like.... 1... type in name or address of property or person and fine out the price he/they paid$ for land 2...Type in name of person and see how much goverment (welfare)money they are getting...This will help new farmers know what land around them is selling for,and maybe help them afford there land payment....Yes I am tired of Big companys/corp.getting my tax dollars...MUCH REATHER IT BE A me or you (rep or demo)

No wonder we are in such bad shape.
Caustic Burno":ri4m7muj said:
The most amazing part about this thread is that you think that other Americans owe you.
To stupid to fill the forms is classic what makes you different than the guy in the projects? You still took American taxpayer dollars you didn't earn. Read the definition of subsidy and when you look in the mirror you will be looking at a welfare recipant.

Caustic, In principle, I agree with you and would absolutely like to see the free market work in agriculture and get the federal government out of our lives for the most part except for national defense. This entitlement mentality has gotten so engrained in society that I don't see a time that gov will not be involved. I suppose one finds out how much he believes in government non-intervention when he must choose whether to accept d&cc money for his acreage bases for crops. Bottom line I guess is; I'm principiled but not that principled. ;-)
We receive no subsidy from the government. All of my trailers and vehicles have standard license plates except for the stock trailer which is used for farm purposes only.

I get a property tax break because my land is used for agriculture.

I have a full time professional job with benefits. I have some more hobbies and equipment that make a few more extra nickels. I earned it all. Daddy didn't pay for my education or buy me anything else. I had a full time job and went to school at night.

Later in life I inherited additonal properties and now have gas wells being drill and in production.

Hence, I never asked Uncle Sam for a hand-out even when I couldn't buy myself a coke and I am not about to go asking for hand-outs now. You can call it pride or you can call it whatever you want. I'm just not made that way.
Frankie":ykix3bxu said:
novatech":ykix3bxu said:
If a man buys a piece of land with an erosion problem he should pay for fixing it. He chose to buy that piece of land he is responsable for it. NOT ME. If he had dirt wash away due to neglagence then it will affect him financialy sonner or later. That his his problem not mine. If it becomes a problem for people adjoining him then the courts should step in and either make him fix it or sell it. If a man buys a piece of land without water it should be his expense to obtain it, not the peoples expense. If he does not want to grow a crop then he should not get paid. If to many people plant the same crop, the price will show this. They will learn a lesson they will not soon forget.

How about the air we breath? Am I only responsible for the air at my place? Impossible. I subscribe to the native American theory that we don't own the land, we only care for it awhile. The health of our land is something that affects everyone, not just an individual. In case you haven't noticed, they're not making much of it these days and I want mine to be better when I leave it than it was when I got it. I know my dad left it better.

And if I take a dump in the middle of the street you gonna come over and pick it up. NO. You are going to call a government agency and have them bring in 5 million dollars worth of equipment to do it. The right thing to do is come over and hit me in the head with a bat,and make me clean uo my own mess.
When people are screwing up the land they should be penalized not the taxpayer.
If you think the government should help land owners prevent problems with land, the owner should be takeing care of, then it is only right that they pay for everything else that people fail to take care of. If I do not put oil in my tractor and the engine blows up, the government should buy me a new engine?
When the government starts handing out money everybody sticks their hand out to grab it weither they need it or not.
backhoeboogie":3q39j3ly said:
We receive no subsidy from the government. All of my trailers and vehicles have standard license plates except for the stock trailer which is used for farm purposes only.

I get a property tax break because my land is used for agriculture.

I have a full time professional job with benefits. I have some more hobbies and equipment that make a few more extra nickels. I earned it all. Daddy didn't pay for my education or buy me anything else. I had a full time job and went to school at night.

Later in life I inherited additonal properties and now have gas wells being drill and in production.

Hence, I never asked Uncle Sam for a hand-out even when I couldn't buy myself a coke and I am not about to go asking for hand-outs now. You can call it pride or you can call it whatever you want. I'm just not made that way.
Back at he end of the oil crunch I lost almost every thing I owned. No job, no money and no food for five kids and a wife. I was at the lowest point of my live. I went to get food stamps. When I finally made it up to the place where You talk to someone. I had to turn and walk away. I always beleived that one could make it if he really wanted to. I drove to the bank to talk to my loan officer. No not to borrow money. But to see if he knew of any thing a man could do to make a liveing. He told me that many were in the same situation as me. After a long discussion he said there was one thing that he new of but I would probably not be interested. Long story short I ended up a repo man. 1 hr. after I left I came back and picked up a check collecting my first payment. Turned out to be a very good bussiness which I later sold. My point is that if I had gone ahead and taken those food stamps I my have become a government dependent forever. As it turned out I proved to myself that I could stand on my own two feet. The government has in fact trained people to be dependent. Politicians win elections with their something for nothing campains, and their government will do it all for you attitudes. These programs cost taxpayers forever and let people collect money for doing nothing.
novatech":vfgviajs said:
Back at he end of the oil crunch I lost almost every thing I owned. No job, no money and no food for five kids and a wife. I was at the lowest point of my live. I went to get food stamps. When I finally made it up to the place where You talk to someone. I had to turn and walk away. I always beleived that one could make it if he really wanted to. I drove to the bank to talk to my loan officer. No not to borrow money. But to see if he knew of any thing a man could do to make a liveing. He told me that many were in the same situation as me. After a long discussion he said there was one thing that he new of but I would probably not be interested. Long story short I ended up a repo man. 1 hr. after I left I came back and picked up a check collecting my first payment. Turned out to be a very good bussiness which I later sold. My point is that if I had gone ahead and taken those food stamps I my have become a government dependent forever. As it turned out I proved to myself that I could stand on my own two feet. The government has in fact trained people to be dependent. Politicians win elections with their something for nothing campains, and their government will do it all for you attitudes. These programs cost taxpayers forever and let people collect money for doing nothing.
You have my respect. You too backhoe.
Novatech if you had taken the foodstamps in order to eat I would not have held it against you.
I can understand somebody being down on their luck and needing help for a while. That's different from being a career parasite. It is important to understand the difference between the two, 'lest we throw the baby out with the bath water'. Sometimes that line beeween the two gets pretty blured. But I think that churches, private organizations, individuals should give the helping hand. It should not be the government.

When I was in school I had a friend who was a preacher and was old enough to be my daddy. I had great respect for him. He was a member of that last great geneation (seabees in WW11). He had two kids and gave up a profitable business to go in the ministry and go to school. At the same time he was pastor at a very small church. Money just wasn't there.

Years later we were talking one night about those years and his wife said they were always able to have something for the kids to eat for supper. I asked, " Do you mean you and John didn't always have something to eat?"
She said, "No."
They didn't make a big deal of it. That's just the way it was. They are both dead now.
I am fortunate to have known several people like that.

What we have now came from people with that kind of backbone. I wonder if there are enough left to hold it together and keep feeding the parasites at the same time. I'm afraid not. Liberal brain washing has taken its toll. So many people are brain dead.
thats the problem now days..when the going gets tough they just open there hands to the government instead of makeing it work like our fathers and grandfathers had to..there was no "free" had to figure out a way to make it plain and simple
Well I love how it seams The Liberals milk the system.. on this board... It so happens I am form a very Conv.(Rep) area, and the farmers Here, Espically the wealthy ones, Milk it the best.I would bet in this goverment welfare system( money for business) it is a larger part Rep. than Demo. Take ie. the bailout of the car manufactors in the early 80,s millions (100,s of) and that paided the larges dividens to their stockholder in years....I do not know why the goverment pays me not to grow cotton, wheat or corn...I do understand the Riparion Buffer, yes erosion is a part of it, deer and quail love it ... But In my county I was the only person in this Tree program...for the first five years...after seven I think one more guy did it...Yet every farmer (especially the larger ones) they know the system the best, get their welfare checks for not producing or subsidy for what they are growing.... This is standern practic for every row crop farmer in the country....But I will tell you all this, I rather Americans have my tax dollars than my goverment spend 600,000,000,000 dollars tring to fix Iraq......No poilitics just facts, Me giving up my welfare to send it overseas way no how...
Novatech, you couldn't have said it any better.

Seems I notice that most of the people who believe in getting the gov. to cover their back on everything are the same ones who, on average, are against us defending our freedoms. Good thing men like my grandfather didn't stand for that, because I would hate to see those people live in a communist society!
Been getting some hate mail PMs from a "tick", beause of my one post in this thread. It wasn't pointed at anyone in particular and he must of taken it personal. Somehow the truth hurts.

After those "you're pathetic" PMs, I had to come see what all the fuss was about and there is no fuss. All I found was even more respect for Novatech than what I had before.
So back to my question...How much land do you own,Lease,or rent???? How much Welfare to you get from the goverment????
alftn":2k3zt0j1 said:
So back to my question...How much land do you own,Lease,or rent???? How much Welfare to you get from the goverment????

No gov. help at all. Don't own land yet we are in process of looking to buy. When I look at one of my monthly paychecks the gov. is getting plenty of help from me!
alftn":20tnk72d said:
So back to my question...How much land do you own,Lease,or rent???? How much Welfare to you get from the goverment????

Are you asking how much my net worth is? What next?

I will answer the lease thing. I have 137 acres leased. I don't have to disclose my land holdings to anyone. I don't ask someone how much land they have or how many cows they run. That is rude. Kind of like asking how many nickels are in your checking account.

I get lots of welfare. I have dudes in the military paying with their lives for my freedom and liberties right now. I had ancestors who paid with their lives just for me to have the right to vote. I truly appreciate each and every one of them. They can double my taxes if it goes to military orphans and I wouldn't have a problem writing out the check.
how does leasing land work, like around how much per acre per month or, do you do it yearly??
backhoeboogie":2zltr8jv said:
Been getting some hate mail PMs from a "tick", beause of my one post in this thread. It wasn't pointed at anyone in particular and he must of taken it personal. Somehow the truth hurts.

After those "you're pathetic" PMs, I had to come see what all the fuss was about and there is no fuss. All I found was even more respect for Novatech than what I had before.

Pretty bad to get hate PM's over the fact that you work hard and take care of yourself and family without no hand outs!

But rest assured that the Majority of us respect you for it!
I don't think I have a problem with a small to medium sized farmer or rancher getting help wherever they can when it helps them stay in the industry. My problem is with outfits like the King Ranch, the 6s and Deseret getting subsidies that do nothing but increase the profit margin for what are already multi-million dollar corporations. If you can afford to keep barns full of race horses and replace every piece of equipment every year... You do not need goverment subsidies.Z
If land is rented to someone and they decide to let it lie fallow, or set it aside for hunting, or a picnic ground, or 'nature study', or a park is it welfare? How is there something wrong with that?

What if a potential buyer pays for an 'option' right on a piece of land?

What the land is used for is irrelevant. They pay for the use of the land. That isn't welfare and it doesn't matter if the who is paying, private party or government.

It seems to me that some people are so full of self righteousness that it is just bound to bubble over from time to time.