Got a pretty

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2019
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N. Central boonies, Oklahoma
Bought some ears today!
They actually had 3. A very pretty open brindle that called a yearling. And this cows calf. Looked almost identical to her.

The open brindle interested me, but she brought MORE than I gave for this 6 month bred 4 year old.

Funny story and then I'll get on with pictures. Cuz we ALL like pictures....

As was mentioned in my "experimental shorthorn" thread, I watched these all thru the chute as I was definitely interested. When the brindle came up open I was a bit sad. But to be fair, she's probly just now of breeding age anyway. Brahma mature a bit later anyway. There was a couple other interested parties as they were doing the same thing I was, watching intently for these to be checked out. Good feet, good bag, OK! Anyway, we all got our bearing and went n sat down, after talking to the guy that was selling them. They were bred to a full brahma bull and we got to see pictures! I told the guy next to me, neighbor wants that bred one and he told he would go as high as $2000
He seems a bit disappointed. (I like to mess with folks a bit, in case ya'll didn't know)
Watched the brindle sell. Like I said she sold pretty high for what she was. The guy I told the story to bought her. I knew he would.
This cows daughter sold, he bought her. She was a February calf and was missing the switch of her tail.
They sold some others before the bred one made it in. She comes in the ring, calm as can be! Just beautiful!
This whole time I been thinking, where they gonna start her? Eared cattle don't sell well here. Even after seeing the last 2 bring good money. They started at 500.
The guy next to me must've been sleeping, because i swear he jumped 3 feet outta his seat! (I NEVER yell yep at a sale) the whole barn jumped I think. No one ever whoops or hollars there.
Well that did it..... next bid was 700, they weren't going to go 10 bucks a time from 500!

I bought her for less than 8

Now yall know where this is going, if she has a bull calf right?

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Good looking cows but as others have commented it looks so dry. Just checked US drought monitor and I would estimate 80% of the country is in moderate+ drought. If it weren't for hurricane Ian it would be here too.
What are you doing buying more cows when you are as dry as that Murray?

Yes. It's dry as a bone here.
The plan remains the same, as much as I hate it. Got cows calving and I'm going to sell some pairs soon. There's a special sale the 27th. Hope to turn some cow pairs that don't match into cash.

That'll reduce inventory and free up some hay. And it'll give me an easier winter as far as work goes.
Also give me the opportunity to get some animals later that match up to my best cows.

But really tho. I just WANTED this one....
Yes. It's dry as a bone here.
The plan remains the same, as much as I hate it. Got cows calving and I'm going to sell some pairs soon. There's a special sale the 27th. Hope to turn some cow pairs that don't match into cash.

That'll reduce inventory and free up some hay. And it'll give me an easier winter as far as work goes.
Also give me the opportunity to get some animals later that match up to my best cows.

But really tho. I just WANTED this one....
Fair enough Murray but I think you shouldn't go along to the sale to just look, a bit dangerous for you.

Here she is!
Still waiting on that calf tho!!
Shes put on a bit of condition since they sold her calf off of her.
Waiting not so patiently. Her last calf was February born and had a short tail but full ears. Looked just like her really.
O yeah..
Here's that open brindle heifer I was talking about. She brought more than this gal!
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We are having a bunch hit the ground.
I was at my ranch 11/2 hours from my home this weekend, I should have taken pictures, but was busy taking down and burning a dead tree that keeps dropping limbs on the fence, it taken care of now.
We had a calf born this morning, and should have another 10 in a couple weeks.
I only have 3 that should be along shortly. The others will be a bit off still..

That looked like a good time! Did ya have a weenie roast? Make smores?
No we didn't, I was too tired by the end of the day.
I layed back in my recliner.
That tree has been a thorn in my side for several years, I finally got one of my sons to help me, we got it done.
It crashed on the fence over night, that should be the last time from that tree.
We have several more we have to take care of but this one was priority.
No we didn't, I was too tired by the end of the day.
I layed back in my recliner.
That tree has been a thorn in my side for several years, I finally got one of my sons to help me, we got it done.
It crashed on the fence over night, that should be the last time from that tree.
We have several more we have to take care of but this one was priority.
I know the feeling!
I've been working on some trees myself. A little here. A little there...

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