Goin Postal...

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2005
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south central Tennessee
The other day I went to the post office in the town where I'm working. I was sending a card to my wife and the envelope said extra postage required.

I'm standing in line waiting like the patient person I am, when my cell phone rings. At this time, I'm next in line. I completed the conversation with whoever it was, hung up just as a spot opened at the counter.

When I started to move to the counter, the lady working pointed to the person behind me and said "next".

Now as I stated before, I'm a very patient person, but this bewildered me. At that point the lady pointed over her head to a handwritten sign that said "Turn off cell phones upon entering Post Office. Anyone on the phone will be skipped over."

Well, today when I went in to the post office on my lunch break to mail some more show entry forms out I had to help the lady behind the counter put the stamps on the envelopes. The show entry forms are pretty weighty so I knew that it would take extra postage so I had her weigh them. She says it will take 63 cents to mail each one and she proceeds to pull out three different stamps to put on each envelope and tells me to help her. I ask how much it pays and she says nothing but I helped her anyway, I started to tell her that as much as the postal rates are now that I would just let her do it but she was a nice lady and I figured that I didn't need to be an ass about it.
Not much worse than a person with a little bit of power, I may have gone postal! :mad:

I know a couple guys who are on full retirement from the Postal service due to bad backs. They have helped me lift heavy stuff on and off my truck and I have seen them load square bales by themselves. Seems if your back gets sore with them you get full retirement.
I really like the post women in our town. They are always friendly and just great women. Now if you go to the next town (bigger) over they are impossible to deal with and I wouldn't be surprised if they have that sign up there too! :roll:
Our previous postmaster was a gem. All the letter needed to have was your name on it and you would get it, regardless of whether the address was 100% correct. Of course he knew everyone who lived within 15 miles of the post office .

The lady we have now is a joke. We recieve junk mail from credit card companies and such that list our box as a PO box when in fact it is not. It never fails though, the lady will circle the word PO on the letter in big black marker and write "Not PO" on the envelope. As if we have some control over how these "junk" mail places address the letters. I have thought about gathering a bunch of these letters up and stopping by the post office and letting her know that I have no control over the way companies address me and point out just how ignorant she is!!! :mad: :mad:

I guess I should have posted this on the "what peeves me" thread.