Garden Progress?

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I've been getting radishis,onions and carrots out of the garden and have green tomatoes about the size of marbles. Just thinking about soon having fried green tomatos makes my mouth water.
I also love fried cucumbers.
I just wish I could get horseradish to grow.

We've got a little bit of everything in the garden but we're not quite out of the woods yet - could still have another few cold nights. These bedded plants are just too pricey to buy them twice. We're paying around $12/flat for maters, peppers, etc.
We're really behind this year..... I think the 15 inches or so of rain the last six weeks and its not warmed up like it usually does.... about 2 weeks ago we planted radishes, cabbage, lettuce, potatoes, onions and strawberries.... this week we planted zucchinni, kohlrabi, cucumbers, green peppers, tomatoes, (I had to really hunt around to find some tomato plants 15-18 inches tall as the nurseries were saying they were running behind as well), green beans, yellow beans, peas and peaches n cream sweet corn.

We still have a 50 lb bag of kennebecs to put in the ground..... but the other garden area is too wet and it rained today and is supposed to rain the next couple of days. I sure hope we get a sprinkle sometime in late July or early August when rain is needed to finish the grain crops.

But the alfalfa field is thick and has nice flower buds on it. :banana:
Weather has just been crazy here. A pretty cold spring this year. Got my tomatos sitting in seperate cups in my windows and have started my watermelon, cantalope, cucumber, and pumpkin. Got my herbs transplanted and are growing. The scotchbonnet pepers are doing great, now to keep the cats from eating them.
Got a little crazy with the tomatos and ended up with over 20 plants. Now I need to give some away.
Going to try to till my garden this weekend, so I can hopefully get it going for the onions and potatos.
Everything in my garden is doing great. Been digging and eating red potatoes, yellow crookneck squash and leaf lettuce for about a month now. Only planted 10 or 12 hills, been having to give most of the squash away, we can't eat it all. Tomatoes all have green tomatoes on them, be my luck they will all turn red at the same time. If so, will have to give alot of them away. Carrots are doing really good, starting pulling and eating some of them last week. Cantaloupe's(sp?) have melons on them, several different sizes, watermelons have little watermelons on them too. Corn is starting to tossil (sp?) Purple hull peas and bell pepper plants are doing great.

Just can't beat a home grown rib eye steak cooked on the grill, with boiled red potatoes w/butter and boiled squash mashed w/salt, pepper, butter and a little milk. Make you slap your momma.

Take some of them yellow squash sliced and brush 'em with a little oil and grill 'em. When they come off the grill give 'em a light dusting with some parmesan cheese. They'll look and taste real good along side that steak.
TxSimbrahShower":2ay5n01n said:
Just can't beat a home grown rib eye steak cooked on the grill, with boiled red potatoes w/butter and boiled squash mashed w/salt, pepper, butter and a little milk. Make you slap your momma.

With a meal like that you best run backwards while you are eating to keep from swallowing your tongue. :nod:
Well I've been picking squash for about two weeks, tomatoes will be ripening in another week or two, cucumbers will be ready in a week or so and sweet corn is tosseling (sp?) And that is all that I planted this year.
Only thing in my garden right now is the onions. Was going to plant and it got too cold. Got warm again and planned to plant and it turned cold.
That is all it has been doing warm then cold.
Got all of my tomatos still in the windows. The cantalope, watermelon, and cucumbers are all transplanted in bigger pots until it gets warmer.
My garden is half way between Texas and Montana, and it looks like the progress is as well. Everything is in my garden and growing, but the only thing I've harvested so far has been radishes, and lettus. (and man if eating salads causes weight loss, I should be a negative number right now. LOL )


Here is my garden, it is right outside my back door of my house, and the hen house and chicken yard is right beside the garden. The metal fence I have on the south end of the garden is temporary. (just sitting there really) I planted squash and cucumbers to climb on that. The Harbor Arch is some old hog pannels I stuck together. I planted different gords and pole beans to climb up them. I planted my green beans and peas in double rows this year and stuck old cattle pannels between the pea rows. The scrap metal boxes I built this spring for "tomatoe cages". the light weight ones I used last year just flopped over. I decided those were for peppers! My new tomatoe cages, I can climb up and they won't fall over.

The pole light on the corner of the garden allows me to mess around, pulling weeds and so forth after dark. (pluss the electrical outlet is handy for an electric fence charger, and a radio during corn silking season, when the raccoons get brave.) So far I have potatoes, onions, carrots, radishes, lettus, spinach, swiss chard, tomatoes, peppers, sweet corn, beans, peas, cucumbers, squash, and dill weeds sprinkled throughout.
Looking good Todd.
Just got mine in today. Finally warmed up enough.
Planted spinach, green beans, peas, kolarbhi, dill, zuchinni, corn, potatos and beets.
I have onions and some of those purple taters I planted. The spinach was used up and the rest bolted long ago, we had green beans with dinner Sunday. I have some green maters out there. Black eyed peas are blooming. Corn has little baby ears. Have not looked in on the pumpkin patch in a couple of days.
Spinach is just starting to come up. Kohlarabi is also coming up.
Have gotten some measure of moisture every day since the middle of May.
Pretty chilly today. Got into the low 50's. Rain showers all around us. Got a nice down pour this morning.
Checked our winter wheat and it is in the boot and starting to head out.
Just wish it would get just a bit more warmer.
I think most of my seeds have rotted in the ground. Got some peas, radishes,beans, carrots, onions and rutabagas coming up. Been very cool and damp up here.
Beans, corn, and peas are just coming up. Got up into the upper 60's yesterday.
Going to have to plant a couple of more rows at the middle of next week.
Kinda disappointed so far. From left to right: Okra, Watermelons, Butterpeas, Corn, and Creme Peas. These rows are about 1200 feet long. I'll get a shot of the front garden where the Tomatoes, Squash, etc. are later.

Just had a big ol mess of unions,cucumbers and sliced tomatoes with vinigar and oil on them with supper tonight. :clap: :clap:


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