Frog gigging.

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Jun 15, 2020
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Any body still frog gig ? It's that time of the year for it.
Used to before my neighbor died. Went on Dam B no shortage of frogs or gators.
We used frog grabs instead of gigs.
Had to pipe skeeter dope into the shower head before going.
I have often wondered how any mammals survive in that environment.
Too wet here. All the frogs are in the grass. Drought years the best for gigging, they're sitting out in the open.
We use to have a blast frog gigging. Thoes frog legs are really good eating too.

Caustic I know what you mean about dealing with skeeters. I don't see how thoes people on the show " naked and afraid " stay out there as long as they do. They must get paid alot of money if they make it to the end.

One night me and a friend went gigging on ponds. We were always pulling pranks on one another. One of us would do the gigging while the other one held the flash light a tote sack that we put the frogs in.

It was my turn to hold the light. Could see what I thought was the frogs head and eyes he was fixing to gig with about a 10 or 12 foot pole we had the gig fastened too. Pole was 2 or 2 1/2 inches in diameter.

He gigged it so I shined the light on the tote sack we were putting the frogs in so that i get the sack open ready to pull the frog off the gig and put it in the sack.

When i shined the light back up on what i was exspecting to be a bull frog was a good sized water mocosin instead !!! He had gigged it right behind its head. Damn snake was wrapped around that pole, mouth wide open white as white could be. Fangs as plain as could be. Lol !!! I dropped that sack of frogs, done a 180 and ran a 1/4 mile in less than 3 seconds flat !!! All I could hear was my old buddy hollowering, Stop !!! Wait !!! Stop !!! He latter said he was afraid the snake might have someway come lose from the gig and could of bit him because i had the light and he was left running throug the dark with a extremly agitated water mocosin on the end of that pole !!! Lol !!!

The old buddy was all the time pulling crap like that. Wasn't a week or so later him, another friend and myself were in a small aluminum boat frog gigging in a old slough full small trees a bushes. Water wasn't maybe 3 foot deep, but was full of sakes alot of which was cotton mouth water mocosin's.

We really didn't have to paddle because we could use the paddles to push our way along. I was sitting in the middle shineing the light. Other guy was in the front of the boat with the gig. The idiot I called my friend was in the back of the boat pushing us through the water with a paddle.

As I turned the light to the front of the boat. Right above the guy doing the giggings head was the biggest water mocosin ever laying wrapped up it the fork of a limb. Just as i spotted it, so did that idiot buddy of mine pushing the boat.

I hadn't got the word snake out of my mouth so that or other friend in the front of the boat could get back to avoid getting bit. Num nuts pushed us all forward as he was jumping out of the back of the boat thinking that was all fun and games.

We all three ended up in the swamp, no light, soaking wet, wading 3 foot deep water full of snakes. When we got to the bank. I had to pull our other buddy off of Num nuts because he was flat mad and didn't find what had happened funny even a little bit. And i think he would have beat Num nuts to a pulp if i hadn't of broke them up. Had to go back the next day to get the boat.
I have not been since I was a kid.

I love eating them, but most of the ones in restaurants are from China. I do not knowingly eat food from China.

My brother used to work at a minnow farm and we got all the frogs legs we could eat back then.
Another problem with Dam B is it is covered up in red wasp.
There is a nest in every cypress bush . Not as bad as a cottonmouth but they can dang sure make you dance in the boat.
I have not been since I was a kid.

I love eating them, but most of the ones in restaurants are from China. I do not knowingly eat food from China.

My brother used to work at a minnow farm and we got all the frogs legs we could eat back then.
Used to be a frog farm here that raised bull frogs.
It covered about 15 acres had ten or twelve acre ponds a couple feet deep . Each pond had an eight foot corrugated tin walls around it. Each pond had a different stage of growth in it, took two years to get from tadpole to market frog.
Used to be a frog farm here that raised bull frogs.
It covered about 15 acres had ten or twelve acre ponds a couple feet deep . Each pond had an eight foot corrugated tin walls around it. Each pond had a different stage of growth in it, took two years to get from tadpole to market frog.
This area used to be a big catfish farming area. Lots of commercial ponds. Hardly any here now. Could not compete with foreign fish. Some have converted to minnows. Fisherman don't care what a minnow cost.

A similar downward spiral was seen throughout much of Mississippi – as well as in other major catfish-producing states in the Southeast, such as Alabama and Arkansas. In Mississippi, catfish acreage was more than halved, from 109,000 in 2003 to 48,600 in 2013. Nationally, reported acreage fell by a similar margin over that window – from 187,200 to 83,020 – and the catfish industry went from processing 662 million pounds of whole fish in 2003 to just 301 million pounds in 2014.​
Domestic demand for catfish has remained relatively steady during the past two decades. At the same time, imports have skyrocketed, from 214 million pounds of live-weight equivalent in 2006 to 854 million pounds in 2016, according to Avery's calculations. In the span of just a decade, U.S. catfish farmers went from dominating more than two-thirds of the country's market to occupying less than a third of it.​
Any body still frog gig ? It's that time of the year for it.
??? what's frogs , we ain't got none and, it's been that way for a while. I think the white cow birds killed them out ????

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