Favorite place?

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since it's been so cold latley i like to sit by the wood stove in the basement, but my favorite spot is sitting in the pasture at dusk watching the cows
I have two favorite places. Where I live up behind the house on the hill you can see the town to east a good view. Hills and state forest to the south to the west beaver lake to the north a town and Missouri.
Really this is my most favorite, on one of the other places a valley you look all directions and cannot see any houses or roads anywhere. It is by an old house and spring. I wondering how any one ever provided for a family in a place like this. It had very little cleared land when I bought it.
A couple of spots... One is on a hill on the east side of our place looking out toward the west in the evening about sundown. You can see the cows grazing and it's just a beautiful place to watch the sun go down.

There's another hill on the NW corner of the place and from there, I can look out over a creek bottom and several of the pastures. If we ever build another house, that's where it will be. Although I have never been there for a sunrise, I suspect that it will be spectacular. (I need to do that!)

We like to go down in the creek pasture to an area that is really dark. We take our friends on hayrides down there and turn off the tractor and the lights and just sit in the flatbed and look at the stars and listen to the frogs and crickets. Our friends from the city always comment on how many more stars they can see than from their yards in the city.
There's a spot in the back pasture where you can't see any of the million !@#$%& security lights that everybody has anymore. I keep a bucket hung on the backside of the fence. Water runs down a gully and drops off a rock 10 or 12 feet just behind it. When I'm checking cows back there on a clear night, I can just sit on the bucket until my butt falls asleep, listening to the water and the cows chewing, and looking at the stars.
There's a little country store down the road that serves up the coldest beer anywhere.....bout the only view is when Peggy Sue is shootin' pool in her pink mini-skirt. :drink: :drink: :secret:
Our home sits on a hill at the end of a 2400 foot driveway, we are somewhat secluded. It is for the most part very peaceful here. We enjoy sitting on out front porch and watching the sun rise. In the afternoon I enjoy sitting on my tractor in the shade near our pond and watching the cattle. I guess Its our little piece of heaven on earth.
hummmm, on my mule over looking the farm on top of the hill, or at the camp early in the morning, setting by the camp fire watching the fog come in off the pond and spread across the pasture fields about 6:00 in the am.. no one else is usealy up but me and blue{ my dodbie} cant wait till it warms up so we can camp at farm... evening are good too after a hard days work building fence and a big meal over looking the progress of the day and planning the next day game plan... ok... basically beeing at the farm.. Rose
i have a few spots too.

in the summertime i like to hang out in the pasture in the shade of a cypress grove and watch the cows lounging around. there are also some smaller live oaks mixed in. its smack dab in the middle of the farm and you can see about 3 miles all the way around.

then in the back there is a very natural area of longleaf pine, turkey oak, and wiregrass overlooking a pond with woodducks floating on it.

across the road is a hay field with enourmous live oak trees with cascading branches filled with resurrection fern.

on the creek there is a spot my great grandfather had dynamited out and it has HUGE cypress trees growing at the edge. i like to just go sit there for quiet time and watch alligators or otters or whatever.

below one of the ponds the run-around flows down to the creek and it creates a little waterfall when it comes around a willow tree. good place to catch minnows too.
My favourite place to be is in the backyard on a quiet summer's eve, sitting on the lounge swing, listening to the frogs croak, and the cricketts chirp while the sun goes down looking over the lake. Very peaceful and good for the soul!

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