Ear tag got caught and tore ear....

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Ohio Cowboy

Well-known member
Apr 2, 2014
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Anyone have a cow with a torn ear? What did you do? Leave it alone or have a go at fixing it?
Figures. Got a pic of how they look when there healed up ? Why is it always a favorite, lol.
just looks like an ear mark (we ear mark and brand out here in the west) most cattle out here have carved up ears anyway. I have ripped ears putting tags in, seen them torn up from fighting or brush or dogs and on top of that the earmark I impulsively chose when I was applying for my brand is a small hole in left ear, they almost always rip out. :roll:
Pretty common and gives them some character. Must heal up really quick too.
I had a rented pasture that floods in the winter. There was a duck blind out there built up 6 feet or so. It had that non-climbable horse fence around the bottom. In the fall I would go to that duck blind and collect about a third of the ear tags. Cows would rub on the blind, hook the ear tag on the wire, and tear it off. Just tag again the next time down the chute.
Always happens to the favorite :lol: We have had multiple over the years especially with the amount of low hanging trees we have. Blue kote if caught in time otherwise it'll be fine.
I have one girl I call ol' rip for two reasons. She has a big slit in both ears from ripping out tags. I've given up on even tagging her. Other reason, when she has her calf she is the meanest ol' rip I've ever been around. For the first month, you can't get within 75 yards of her calf. After a month, she goes back to normal. First one in the coral, and last to leave. Sticks to the ai every year, and has given me several daughters they are just as good or better than her. You don't have to worry about anything getting their calves.
On the tv show Gunsmoke, Festus bit da little hangy down part of a fella's ear clean off and
Doc Milburn didn't bother fixin up the ear... so don't know why a cow's ear is any better. :)
Son of Butch said:
On the tv show Gunsmoke, Festus bit da little hangy down part of a fella's ear clean off and
Doc Milburn didn't bother fixin up the ear... so don't know why a cow's ear is any better. :)
I know that one! Hubby watches Gunsmoke Every. Single. Day. Side note: he met Ken Curtis once. Absolutely no drawl, great actor.