Day Three and she is already working the critters.

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
Well not really although the horse and llama thought she was very interesting and Stormy (if you remember my heifer) had to take a closer look and give her a big lick on the face , hubby brought her out while I did chores and she got to run around and meet a few of the animals here. She is still way to little to be left on her own but she has learned to climb stairs now( much to my dismay) and she is trying to play with the Pinta .We had a busy day today too, I needed to use our handling system and it had to be plowed out. I didn't think we had gotten that much snow yet.

So here is a few pics of Nikki.
likes her toys

Christmas day and helping with dinner.

Learned to climb the stairs (thanks to the Kit Kat) and as you can see she could easily fall through the railing so I have had to order another gate so she can not go up there.

Fun outside it was only -1c's, had to feed them so her and hubby hung around.
Dirt fun to eat.

Marshmallow says hello.

Sierra spots her and has to get a much much closer look.





So all in all it was a good day and she is learning fast , and is not scared of anything except the loud machinery.

One more from tonight she wasn't taking to her food very well after being weened so i made her up a beef dish which went over very well and she apparently does not like to share. :p
Great pics HD. You better be careful or you might just lose this girl to the Alpha male on the place. Looks to me like she is hanging pretty close to dad.
She is soo cute,,I can see the "smarts" in her..Few more months and she's gonna be your right hand..
WONDERFUL pictures HD, thanks for sharing them!

She's a darling puppy and looks like your other critters were welcoming her quite well!
Well she is a handful for sure. We take three steps forward and two back, but I think we are at least making some headway. I do not put up with the biting, pulling and all the other stuff; but someone else lets her get away with everything. :roll: So maybe when he goes back to work I can get her trained like a dog should be ,,,,,,, well behaved.. ;-)

I have 2 cows with udders right now so calving season is going to begin a little early more than likely, so she will have to be on the back burner for now as the cows need to come first. The first AI ones are due the 4th anyways, so a few days early is not a big surprise but next year I am moving my season back until the 2nd or 3rd week of Jan for sure..
She's an intelligent looking little girl-congrats!
All the best with her and the up and coming calves-sounds like you have some work cut out for you.Please keep us posted :D .