Crazy Bull

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pdfangus":23jbs1b8 said:

I hope you realize that one day that Jersey bull will show you what you can do with your hat.

Dairy bulls as a rule are by far tougher than beef bulls and very often no one sees it coming.
Of the dariy bulls the Jersey are the worst of the lot.

Odd that the lillte old tame jersey cow would be the mother of the deadliest bulls but it is a widely known fact. With jersey bulls it is not a question of will they get mean, but rather when will they get mean and will I have a chance to survive it.
This is my second. The first was gentle as a calf mean as an adult. The second was stand offish as a calf and still the same way. As with any bull I keep my distance as well as possable. If they are ever aggressive enough for me to turn they get a trip to the sale barn. I was raised around salt grass brahmans that only saw people 1 or 2 times a year. I learned at an early age that when you are with cattle you always know what is behind you.
To answer your original question. If you are selling him to a breeder. It's your your responsibility to let him know what the rascal does. Some people dont seem to mind. I have a spotter bull like that but I will take my chances with him until another comes along. It will then be time to get rid of him. He probably is just playing. But play for a bull can mean death to a human.
"Doc. I don't know if you are calling ME asinine or not. I'm not being his friend I'm just trying to live and let live. We don't have any kids. I also am never in a position where I can't kill this animal in less than 1 second. I don't play with him or didn't you see the part where I said I don't push back because I know where that would lead." (John Wayne's Quote)

"DUKE" - Yes, I did see the part about pushing back! You may be trying to "live and let live", and that is commendable with a human relationship, but when you are playing footsie with a bull, it is a dangerous avocation!

I can understand how you might take offense at the many critical replys that you received from this post, but think of this: I would rather you get ticked off at me, than to read on here that your bull killed you, and perhaps I could have alerted you to the potential danger - - and just didn't! I have too much respect for ME than to just let a chance like that go by the board. And insofar as my calling you assinine - if the shoe fits - wear it. If it is too tight - take it off, and get a bigger shoe!

I have a Limousin bull that started tryin to push around on me yesterday,have him and another bull in a pen and I feed them in the evenings,I guess he is happy to see me bringing him feed and gets playful.But bulls are to big and dumb to have as play mates,mine just started that mess and what i do with cows or bulls that try to get too friendly is slap them up side the head open handed as hard as I can,if that dont work..............they go to the sale barn period.
PS here he is,got some good calves outa him..........but not good enough to get hurt,he does that again he's gone.
good luck
My question and the reason for my post.

Any body ever have a bull that only acts up around them and acts OK toward every body else?, This guy will go after this breeding season, but I don't know if I should sell him to another breeder or hall to the sale barn.

Doc's response.

It sounds to me as if you are practicing Dr. Benjamin Spock's assinine protocols of raising children in the 50's and 60's! Let the little darlings do what ever they want because you will ". . .damage their self-esteem and destroy their little ego's!"

My response to Docs post.

Doc. I don't know if you are calling ME asinine or not.

Doc's 2 cents worth is.

And insofar as my calling you assinine - if the shoe fits - wear it. If it is too tight - take it off, and get a bigger shoe!

Please let me retort

J.T. I can deal with bluntness better than I can some wishy washy mealy mouthed dude. At least I know where you stand and what your position is on the matter.

Doc judging by your initial response to my question and your metaphor about shoes I can see that you and I can have no meaningful dialog regarding my moral dilemma about the decision I need to make about the bull. And I don't see many of the replies as critical just not on the question at hand. And after reading many of your post for the last couple of years it is quite obvious how much respect you have for yourself. Now at the risk of having this post locked or deleted I will refrain from any further discourse about this matter. I must say I was pleasantly surprised to see the little star next to the post. Again thanks to all.
John Wayne":3ibu31e4 said:
My question and the reason for my post.

Any body ever have a bull that only acts up around them and acts OK toward every body else?,
This guy will go after this breeding season, but I don't know if I should sell him to another breeder or hall to the sale barn.

Doc's response.

It sounds to me as if you are practicing Dr. Benjamin Spock's assinine protocols of raising children in the 50's and 60's! Let the little darlings do what ever they want because you will ". . .damage their self-esteem and destroy their little ego's!"

My response to Docs post.

Doc. I don't know if you are calling ME asinine or not.

Doc's 2 cents worth is.

And insofar as my calling you assinine - if the shoe fits - wear it. If it is too tight - take it off, and get a bigger shoe!

Please let me retort

J.T. I can deal with bluntness better than I can some wishy washy mealy mouthed dude. At least I know where you stand and what your position is on the matter.

Doc judging by your initial response to my question and your metaphor about shoes I can see that you and I can have no meaningful dialog regarding my moral dilemma about the decision I need to make about the bull. And I don't see many of the replies as critical just not on the question at hand. And after reading many of your post for the last couple of years it is quite obvious how much respect you have for yourself. Now at the risk of having this post locked or deleted I will refrain from any further discourse about this matter. I must say I was pleasantly surprised to see the little star next to the post. Again thanks to all.

No I have not..................good luck
had a brahman cow that was right the opposite she was like a pup around me but she would clean every one else's clock. and would go after any body that was close to me like a guard dog . i mean we could be standing there talking and all of a sudden they would take of running in mid sentence with her on their ass :p i raised her from a year'lin she wasnt a pet either . she could have turned on me at any time always kept that in the back of my head but she never did
:D :D

Posts like this amuse me... Moral Dilemma????? There is no moral dilemna, you don't play with bulls.... That alone tells me you don't know anything. You should not sell a dangerous bull to someone else, you keep saying breeder.... I doubt you have anything that a "Breeder" would want, Send the bull to the sale barn, before it kills you or your wife in less than a second. :cboy: Take care.
I totally agree with KMacGinley on this one. It proves that you don't know much about cattle to put up a post like this and then keep defending it. Your bull can read your body language and knows he can push you. If it wasn't true, you would have already solved this problem. I have accidently bought a couple of cattle over the years that had been "ruined" by someone else. They can be taught human respect, but it isn't pretty. Selling is usually better.
i go in the corral with a 11 month old bull when i open the gate an go in he backs as i walk to the feed trough he goes to the other waits for me to put his feed he doesnt rush or push on me.because he knows i wont allow he also knows i put the feed out an let him eat.
Had a registered Brangus cow that was a retired showgirl and had travelled a couple of thousand miles going to shows. I bought her because the little girl who was showing her couldn't handle her. This heifer didn't like the girl's mom either. When I bought her for my son to show, she gave me no trouble, but didn't like my wife. She was a woman hater, but I could throw a loop around her and halter her in the pasture and lead her anywhere. Since my wife has nothing to do with the cows and I have no daughters, she posed no threat to anyone, and she was gentle around me. Once, she even ventured over to the neighbors farm where I haltered her and drove down the road real slow with the lead rope in my left hand while she trotted alongside the truck. Loved me, hated girls. 8)
well john just send that bull to me ill teach him some manner's he won't too soon forget. and should he kill me in the prossess you wont owe me one red cent ;-)
John Wayne":3bnhir45 said:
Any body ever have a bull that only acts up around them and acts OK toward every body else?, This guy will go after this breeding season, but I dont know if I should sell him to another breeder or hall to the sale barn. I'm the only one he acts nuts around prob because I dont let him see I'm intimidated by him. Every time I go to feed he false charges, paws at the ground. Puts his head and shoulder on the hay bales and pushes it under the fence, runs around bucking. If I'm working on the fence or shelter he comes up puts his head on my thigh and pushes. If I ignore him he keeps doing it. i dont want to push back because I know where that would lead. Guess I already know the answer just venting I guess. My wife or FIL can feed and he acts like a kitty cat but not me.

Just for the heck of it what breed of bull is he?
ALA that bull we had, my husband could not enter the corral without a steel post, pitchfork, or business end of an axe handle. I always carried a pitchfork.
Out of our 3 bulls and 4 steers together he was the worse. Thank God and Greyhound he's gone!
Our oldest bull (Hereford) thought for just a second the other day if he was going to "play" with me, until I clapped my gloves together and yelled at him. He then walked into his pen. I like them calm.
We try to not yell at any of our cattle unless we want them to move.
I have 8 bulls in a pen right now. A couple of them have tried me and I will knock the mess out them. I don't have time to play with them.
At a 150 lbs. soaking wet you could have swatted him. Atleast, then he would know that you are not playing.The problem now is you have let him grow up, and he knows he can get by with the crap.
You know I hope if you sell him to an individual you tell them of his manners. Atleast ,if you took him to the sale barn.Someone would have heads up to watch him.After all you never know what you bring home from there.
As far as my other post discussing bulls is in my old name Joy in Texas. Joy of Texas is not as aggressive :)

Ya'll gonna have the HSUS (animal rights whackos?) breathing down our necks before long. :lol:
MikeC":18vn7id2 said:

Ya'll gonna have the HSUS (animal rights whackos?) breathing down our necks before long. :lol:
-Take a pool cue or a baseball bat to them, and then put them in the Bull Pen at the sale barn! :tiphat:

DOC HARRIS":32hzczks said:
MikeC":32hzczks said:

Ya'll gonna have the HSUS (animal rights whackos?) breathing down our necks before long. :lol:
-Take a pool cue or a baseball bat to them, and then put them in the Bull Pen at the sale barn! :tiphat:


The bulls or the posters? :lol:

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