Prices were way down last week with cull bulls from 1.40-158.50. But it is what it is! Worked the entire herd yesterday and had 5 on horseback separate fat Willy from the rest of the bulls, move him across the road to the west 80 corral and he's now in prison at the barn until I can haul him for Wednesday's sale. But bless his stupid heart, he thinks he's got something good going on because I have 2 cull cows down there as well. Anyway, bets are on with my crew on how much he weighs: 2450 lbs, 2580, 2800, 2750, 2600 and 2650. Even at the lowest estimated weight with last week's lowest price, he'll still bring $3640. Not much less than what I paid for him 5 years ago. He's more than paid for himself.
Anyone else want to throw in their estimated weight?
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