Calves turring reddish with pics.

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2014
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Evington VA
Again Im a complete Newb so here again for a little help. My calves are turning red is this there winter coat shedding or a lack of mineral. They have mineral blocks out in every field with there salt. I also have a protein tub with minerals out. Some of the mommas have this red tint lately but not like the calves they have gotten real red as of lately. I have one calf roughly 450 that is solid black but the 3 smaller ones roughly 1-3 months old are the ones getting red on me. We have had some 60-70 degree days lately now back to cold. Here are some pics of calfs Thanks again for any help.



And a few others of yesterday. Bought a Heifer and her week old calf saturday at a Heifer sale. Here is her heifer calve
My girlfriend loves the calfs. This was after Bose and ear tag.

Here is a quick pic of the heifer that just calved. She's a great momma with a good bag. I really like her. She goes out with the herd tomorrow She is 980 pounds and has a really good attitude.
baby hair is finer, and thus turns red in the sun. That is completely normal. All of our calves have that burnt look to their hair, and that is exactly what it is; dead burnt hair that will come out with the warmer weather.
I agree with Fire Sweep. Perfectly normal fuzz that will shed off. Many of my Brangus are born REALLY red, then turn black.
All my black cows get the red fuzzies when they start to warm up and shed though.
Cute calves, and cute girlfriend! (I can say that cause I am not a guy! Lol)
Kingfisher":3cl19nvu said:
How did you post those pics?

Normal way not what your thinking. I wish. It was just a screen shot off phone because I had to zoom in. I didn't post straight from iphone photos to here. If there is a way to do that im unsure how.
Thanks again Fire and Brangus. I figure that what it was but just calming my anxiety. Thanks for the complements Brangus... I just got to my office the heifer and new calf are with the herd and doing well turned them in this morning.. Now I have 2 more that bags have filled and slight discharge, love to see 2 more healthy calves today or tom. I bought my first cow 2 months ago we are now up to 26 and 6 calves. This has gone fast but im learning tons and loving every minute of it. Now theres a large herd dispersal sale this Friday 550 plus real nice cattle. I have got to stop spending money.
branguscowgirl":1wynyhip said:
Wow you jumped in with both feet didn't you! You bought bred heifers and cows for your first go at it?

No bread heifers only heifer I bought well I guess she's not a heifer anymore that was her 1st calf and I bought her and the calf as a pair. All cows I purchased have been bread. No issues so far, but trust me I know its coming. I'm not a complete newbie I grew up around and on a farm as its all my grandfather ever did and a lot of my family also. I have many lessons to be learned.
Sounds very enjoyable for you and your girlfriend! Best of luck with the rest of your calving!
You two are making some memories right there! :nod:

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