Calf (pic)

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2006
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western N.C.
Here are some pic the calves our heifers has had.Not the best pic was comeing a light rain kinda dark.


Never apologize for the pics of these baby calves...they're wonderful! :heart:

How old are they?

Alice the first one was born on 3-27 the next was 4-4 and the next was born 4-11 Had to help him out a little momma's milk just now started to come in.And thank you.

Well, they look like healthy wonders to me... :)

They are really nice pictures.Though I bet you could see those tags and numbers on the foggiest night or the heaviest snow storm.I am surprised their little heads aren't tilted to one side. : :D
Well Syd Sydney you got understand my eye's aint what they used to be and i need all the help i can get :lol: Beside's they help build strong muscle's in the neck at an early age.

I hear yah no dis here they are nice looking newun's 8) .I may start to use the bigger flourescent colors so I can see and nothing wrong with good neck muscles. :D :D :D
No CUZ i don't check them from the frount pourch but maby the back :D .I just like to use the big tag so i dont have trouble tellin wich one they are.

I use the large tags also, after 3 eye surgerys i need all the help i can get.
rattler, looks like you got some nice calves from your heifers, and that's always good news. Love the #2 one. Hope they're doing well, esp. if you're getting all the rain we've been getting. We NEED it here though.
curtis it's good to know i ain't the only one that has to use the large tag's.
Gale they are all doing fine and yes we are getting rain now it started here yesterday evening rained allnight now we are under a winter storm warning for 3 to 5 inche's of snow .Are you getting any of the snow?This sure is crazy weather we are haveing.The #2 calf had 78lbs B/W she is my pic too so far.

Nice perky ears = good healthy calf.

We use the large ear tags too -- and not to hijack the thread, but do you always tag in the left ear? We started tagging heifers in the left ear, bull calves in the right ear -- that way from a distance we can advise folks which pair they're looking at and if momma has a bull calf or a heifer calf at her side.

Good pics.
DavisBeef yes i always tag in the left ear i guess it is just a habbit.That is a really good idea i may have to do that with the next one's thank's for letting me in on that.
