BVD Results

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2005
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South Alabama
Finished testing most of my herd last week after having diagnosis of possible BVD a few weeks back. Had 3 or 4 escape the pen and a couple of new born calves we couldn't get in, but all that were tested came back NEGATIVE. Non even suspect. Kinda of a good news bad news thing to me. Even though I could still have a problem with the escapees (the new and previously vaccinated bull for one) I am still wondering where this came from? Has anyone else had BVD suspected and not found any PI's?

FYI. We intend to finish the testing asap but down here in South Alabama we have had about 15 inches of rain since last Wednesday. I appreciate the rain but sure wish it would slow down a bit where I can plant winter pasture..

We also started the vaccination program as we were doing the testing.
I purchased a bred cow through the ring about four years ago. She calved fine; the clave made it to about six months old. Considering keeping as a replacment. The calve looked great till weaning. The calve was a BVD calve; the cow was not a carrier. I had a clean herd and was up on my vac's. I lost a fetus out of another cow at three months the following season; because of the BVD calve. I had to do a lot of planning and vac my herd when they were all open with a Fetal Protection vaccine; had all my calves tested. She caused me a lot of havoc. Tested PI negitive and free of BVD; she just had an infected fetus.
I had already looked at it as more of a blessing than a curse. It caused me to upgrade facilities, start vaccination program etc. Just cost a bunch of money at one time that I had planned to to over a period of time.

I have three new babies that I have not checked I am hoping what ever caused it didn't infect those.
I had my herd tested for BVD and all negitive. I plan to keep it up too.
If youkeep doing the right thing you may still lose a calf every now and then but you will know what it ain't
keep up with testing atleast the calves every year, then you'll at least get some warning before an abortion storm hits you.

Pfiser was supposed to bring out a foetal protection vaccine that could be given to bred cows, never heard anything about it since
alabama":6kuzarpo said:
I had my herd tested for BVD and all negitive. I plan to keep it up too.
If youkeep doing the right thing you may still lose a calf every now and then but you will know what it ain't

same here
Cattle Master Gold FP. From my understanding to get the Fetal protection you still have to vaccinate them open. Which seems backwards but maybe I misunderstood the directions.
another one of our heifers aborted her calf today, this is the third one in about two months. this calf was developed, unlike the others, she was about two months from delivering.

like I have stated before, we have never had anything like this to hit our herd. we are still waiting on lab work from the last heifer that lost her calf. talked to the vet today, and she asked the question: when you worked your calves in the spring, did you use a live vaccine? I told her no, we used Triangle 6 +VL5. I know that the live can sometimes cause problems, just wondered why this question, she was busy, so I didn't get into it too much.

we are going on the assumption lepto, till the lab comes back, has anyone got any other suggestions as to what may be going on? and why? we vaccinate 2x's a year, wormer, everything we have done over the last 30 years, and we are at a total loss. and wonder why now? you know in the cattle business like everything else with animals, you are going to lose some, but 3 in a row? and these last two heifers were replacement heifers from our original herd. so we have had no problems with their mama's as of yet. our calving season is to start in January.
Brenda, this is very unfortrunate. I hate to say this again but check into Canine Neospora. Dessimated my last years heifers calf crop.

We FP open cows so the cow has a chance to get the antibodies up to optimiun before she is bred. Thus protecting the fetus from birth.
Pfizer has FP and you can now give ML FP to cows that are pregnant but they have to have been done the last year with the full round of shots open.
All our cows get done 3 weeks prior to bull turn out with ML FP
If we want we can now give the vaccine in March insead of May. We process for scours just before calving and this would take out working the cows pre breeding. But we won't because we dont want to stress the cows so close to calving. We could also do it in the fall at weaning but we are stuck on the idea of a spring work up.
Results of the first group were ALL negative. Notched a few of the missing ones from last time and will be waiting on those results.

Made a couple of facility changes and will make a few more. Like they say it is a never ending process

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