Bred Heifer Purchase Question

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Can't really tell ya much. I tried looking back for some of last years sales between Christmas and New Years and think some heifers sold last year for close to that. Say $1600 range, IIRC I thought they had a cut or 2 that brought $1800 last year. Burwell had a heck of a calf sale Tuesday. Will have another super hot one tomorrow.

They might of been bred to Right Answer. Other than that just Hereford heiffers bred black. One year they tried selling private and then went on the holliday clasic. Didn't do real well, but they get swamped with cows for that deal. Chances are the cows that were there were bottom end culls. No complete dispersals or anything. Most of them names are fairly big operations. So Id say that might be why they were "under valued".
Watched parts of Sitz angus bull sale on Superior as I steped in and out of the house today.

A cut of Bred Heiffers to calve in late Jan-early Feb (like 6 days) sold for $3K :lol: I watched about 4 groups sell and I think the cheapest set was 2250?

Going to be an interesting winter!
Ya, the ones I was going to buy went to the sale barn and brought between 1800-2200. That superior auction was crazy.

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