>I'm from Missouri and my daughter just started showing a brahman heifer this year and we bought a few cows. We mainly show brahmousin which is 3/8 brahman and 5/8 limousin. I would like to look at the heifer you are considering and maybe I can compare her to our heifer. We have no competition, so I'm not sure how good she is. Where are you from? We will probably take ours to the Tulsa St. Fair this fall and show her against some brahmans. If you are showing the red brangus in Texas, I think they offer a division for red brangus, but it all depends on the show and if they require a breed minimum. You can contact The Showbox magazine and they can let you know, if you live in Texas. Here in MO, they usually require a 3 or 4 head minimum for a breed so my daughter usually brings enough brahmousin to make her own class. Look forward to seeing your pictures. I can send you some of our heifer if you like too. Hi! I'm kirby, I've been
> "lurking" here for a
> while. You all seem so helpful! I
> have two things I'm wondering
> about. First of all,are red
> brangus heifers shown alongside
> black brangus heifers in junior
> shows? I'm interested in looking
> at them if they are able to be
> shown often. Secondly, I looked at
> a Brahman heifer a few days back,
> but I'm just not sure about her. I
> took pictures, and I'd love for
> some of yall to look at her and
> tell me what you think. I just
> really don't want to waste time
> and money on something that had
> little potential from the
> beginning. If you can help, please
> reply with your email address and
> I will send a few of the pictures.
> Thanks so much
[email protected]