Best Advice Dad or Granpa Ever gave you?

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2005
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Southeast Kansas
What is the best advice, Lesson that you ever was taught from a Dad, Grandpa, Mentor etc? Be it a lesson in life or Cattle!

Grandpa told me once that most everything in life you can judge by how it looks, If a Truck is clean and taken care of it probably is a good Truck, House same way. But only thing you can not judge by its looks is a woman, she might be the best looking thing you ever saw but that does not mean she is any good.

Never got to ask him if he was meaning in her personal qualities or you know in other areas that you do not want to talk to Grandpa about when you are a young lad, but I know he sure had a big smile and chuckle when he told me ;-)
A man is like a piece of steel, once he loses his temper he's no good.

And my all time favorite for when us kids would keep sniping at each other

The more you stir it the more it stinks

Grandpa never really gave me any advice. He died way to young. He did tell me to go load that hay, or catch that cow, or feed this or that though.

My Dad was never one to provide much advice either. I think he plan was for me to find my own way in life. A couple things that stick with me that he said is;
1. Son, your first impression of someone is usually right.
2. What you FIRST decide to do, do it. Anything after that will be wrong most of the time.

Now my mother always was free with advice. She usually said something deep like "DON'T DO THAT AGAIN"!, YOUR DAD IS GOING TO TEAR YOUR REAREND UP WHEN HE GETS HOME"!

Surely you were not talking about cowgirl280 or Critter when you talked about picking women. :lol:
I was always given lots of advice, and some of it stuck some did not.

I was always advised to treat everyone fairly, and that someone you could help, that was down on their luck was a virtue.That was good advice, as long as it did not involve loaning a friend money.

If you had a problem, hit that problem head on, dont run the other way or avoid it. You need to solve it.

Pay Cash for what you buy.You own it that way, And stay out of debt.

There's not much worse than a mean Woman. They're like a drum of Rattlesnakes.Not a big problem til the drum gets opened.That was like the 10 year sentence I did with my first Wife.Except she was a Boa Constrictor and a Rattlesnake.

Education is priceless. Ignorance and lack of common sense will ruin you, and cost you all your life.

I'm sure there's several thousand more...
Grandpa asked me once if I knew the difference between horse turds and lemons.
When I said no,
He said well I sure ain't sending you to the store for a dozen lemons.

Many years later in a meeting with a bunch of high government officals, I heard a statement made that finally drove home what Grandpa was telling me.

I had to leave the meeting because I could not stop laughing
The worst advice (sort of) that I ever got was from a jerk I worked with. He claimed "There are no problems, only opportunitys to excel".

Never say 'I can't'..say 'I'll try'
To this day I hate to say that I can't do something.
Grandpa told me once that most everything in life you can judge by how it looks, If a Truck is clean and taken care of it probably is a good Truck, House same way. But only thing you can not judge by its looks is a woman, she might be the best looking thing you ever saw but that does not mean she is any good.

Never got to ask him if he was meaning in her personal qualities or you know in other areas that you do not want to talk to Grandpa about when you are a young lad, but I know he sure had a big smile and chuckle when he told me

Sorry flaboy - I agree with that! Them all dolled up pretty girls are tooo high maintenance and afraid to break a nail or get dirty doing "real" work! But there is a place in the middle!! Pretty AND functional! :lol: And I beleive that is true for both personal qualitys and those other areas! :lol: :heart:

Advice from my elders... standard stuff, but words I live by!!!
always be true to yourself
always keep your word
Listen more, talk less
do unto others as you want others to do unto you
Grandpa used to tell us, "A lot of things need fixed, some don't. Some things you can fix, some things you can't. Learn the difference!
'You can't learn anything if you're always talking.'

'If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.'

'Before engaging mouth, make sure brain is in gear.'

From Mom -

'Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see and you'll be in pretty good shape.'
From my mother: Always wear clean underwear you might be in an accident, I've been in a couple.
When grandpa was together with the men of the family, usually drinking beer and telling stories...he would tell us that when he died he wanted us to have his hide tanned and made into a woman's saddle.
Not really revelant to the wisdom of this thread but it stuck all these years.
Grandma would tell us to always leave a little on your plate and never go to bed angry with anyone.
Dave Mc
Make sure your action is based on a decision as opposed to a reaction.

It is only a big deal if you will remember it in 30 years

Worry about today - you can't fix yesterday and tomorrow is something to plan for not worry about.
My granddads favorite saying was: If your early your on time, if your on time your late and if your late your fired. That has stuck with me along time and I am early to nearly everthing I do, now my wife is a whole differant story.
Only advice my daddy got was:
1. When the goin gets tough, the tough get goin
2. Beauty is skin deep, ugly is clear to the bone
3. Buck up you sissy!!! ;-)

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