Beefmaster Angus Cross

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When crossing Beefmaster with Angus, is there an advantage to using a Beefmaster bull on Angus cows as opposed to using an Angus bull on Beefmaster cows? Genetically the calves are the same, right?
I run a Beefmaster bull on Angus and Brangus cows. I'm very pleased with this year's calves. They're now 2 1/2 and 3 months old. A friend of ours used our bull to cover his Angus cows this year and after he finishes breeding ours this summer, he's headed to the neighbors.
When crossing Beefmaster with Angus, is there an advantage to using a Beefmaster bull on Angus cows as opposed to using an Angus bull on Beefmaster cows? Genetically the calves are the same, right?


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I run a Beefmaster bull on Angus and Brangus cows. I'm very pleased with this year's calves. They're now 2 1/2 and 3 months old. A friend of ours used our bull to cover his Angus cows this year and after he finishes breeding ours this summer, he's headed to the neighbors.
These calves are turning black now. In another situation we sold some bred beefmaster cows a couple of months back due to the drought. Our bull was the sire. Owner contacted me when the first calf was born last week - a red beefmaster bull. I'd have to say I like both beefmaster/angus and beefmaster/beefmaster crosses. Easy calving and rapid growth are two things I've seen in these situations. Good luck to you and if we can help, let us know.


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We had our first group of Beefmaster bull on Angus cows calves this year. We already had Angus cows so we bought a BM bull, and we are happy with the calves. The pictures I have attached are from June 17th and the calves in them were born mid March to early April. One thing I will say is they are definitely not uniform and we expected a lot more black calves then we got. We have had 2 unexpected calves in the last 3 weeks, both born in upper 90s/100 degree weather and they have no issues, I'm unsure if that is the BM influence or not. Overall I don't think you can go wrong with BM influence


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We had our first group of Beefmaster bull on Angus cows calves this year. We already had Angus cows so we bought a BM bull, and we are happy with the calves. The pictures I have attached are from June 17th and the calves in them were born mid March to early April. One thing I will say is they are definitely not uniform and we expected a lot more black calves then we got. We have had 2 unexpected calves in the last 3 weeks, both born in upper 90s/100 degree weather and they have no issues, I'm unsure if that is the BM influence or not. Overall I don't think you can go wrong with BM influence
I think you have some hetero black/red in your cows. Otherwise your calves would all be black if they were homozygous black. Kind of surprised that there are so many calves with white on their faces since the bull looks to have a fairly solid coloring.
The calf in that first pic is nice. They all are, but that one stands out.
We had our first group of Beefmaster bull on Angus cows calves this year. We already had Angus cows so we bought a BM bull, and we are happy with the calves. The pictures I have attached are from June 17th and the calves in them were born mid March to early April. One thing I will say is they are definitely not uniform and we expected a lot more black calves then we got. We have had 2 unexpected calves in the last 3 weeks, both born in upper 90s/100 degree weather and they have no issues, I'm unsure if that is the BM influence or not. Overall I don't think you can go wrong with BM influence
A good looking bunch of calves. The heat tolerance could be from the 50% Brahman influence in the Beefmaster. In researching the BM, that was a benefit mention. Again, a good looking group. Thanks for the pics.
A good looking bunch of calves. The heat tolerance could be from the 50% Brahman influence in the Beefmaster. In researching the BM, that was a benefit mention. Again, a good looking group. Thanks for the pics.
I've noticed a change in the color of mine over a couple of months. Started out red like my bull who has a white face btw. Now I'm seeing more black influence on their back, legs and tail. The black Baldy moms are the reason I think.
I think you have some hetero black/red in your cows. Otherwise your calves would all be black if they were homozygous black. Kind of surprised that there are so many calves with white on their faces since the bull looks to have a fairly solid coloring.
The calf in that first pic is nice. They all are, but that one stands out.
I was about to comment the same til I read your comment, Travlr. I did notice a black baldy cow in his pics, and he may have more of those in his herd, or heterozygous grade angus cows. A solid color BM can sire or birth a wf calf. BM are a composite breed 50% Brahma, 25% Hereford and 25% Shorthorn, so that could be where the white face is coming from on the calves when the momma has a solid colored head. Braford, Brangus and Santa Gertrudis are all just 3/8ths Brahma, but any BeefMasters I have ever fooled with, were probably the most docile of the 4. I have nothing negative to say about Beefmaster x Angus, or Angus x BM.
"Here" back when beefmaster was coming on ..they had the breed up program.then they had a field man come out and evaluate Some of those had a lot in the woodpile..
When crossing Beefmaster with Angus, is there an advantage to using a Beefmaster bull on Angus cows as opposed to using an Angus bull on Beefmaster cows? Genetically the calves are the same, right?
It depends on your location and environment. If you need the Brahman influence in the cow to be environmentally adapted then use the Beefmaster cow with an Angus bull. Fit your cow to your environment.

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