Bee sting

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Jul 12, 2004
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Baker County, Oregon
Yesterday I was getting something out of the chain box on the front of the flat bed trailer. I found a bee nest in there. Or I should say the bees found me. One sting on the right index finger. It was a hot one. So I made a baking soda paste which took the sting away. No more sting but it sure itches this morning. As a result I have an itchy trigger finger.
A couple years ago we barrowed a tractor from a neighbor that had a nest of wasp in it. They got into our equipment and had one get stuck between my cowboy hat and ear. He stung me each time he came down off the hat. I think we finally got rid of all those pesky critters. This year I have been bit several time by a deer fly; the wasp was much worse.
I've developed some kind of allergy to the bass turds as I've gotten a few years on me.
Swell up something fierce! And sore! Omg sore.

If the dang things hit me anywhere above my upper arms/shoulders, I get light headed/hot flashes like I'm gonna pass out too.

I can sure do without em. To be sure, I'm extra careful any more
Got hit by a wasp Wednesday penning cattle. I always check the likely places but missed seeing this nest as I didn't look high enough. I was lucky the wasp just made a glancing blow and didn't get a good sting in but it did burn for about 15 minutes. About 50 or so on that nest. Then yesterday I found one hanging on the underside of a garage door where I park the mule. It's an old wood door that is no longer in good shape so it stays up all the time. Heart skipped a beat or too as it probably had over 100 on it. I had a can of wasp spray in both hands when I attacked.....
I've developed some kind of allergy to the bass turds as I've gotten a few years on me.
Swell up something fierce! And sore! Omg sore.

If the dang things hit me anywhere above my upper arms/shoulders, I get light headed/hot flashes like I'm gonna pass out too.

I can sure do without em. To be sure, I'm extra careful any more
@MurraysMutts , bee stings are no joke if you are highly allergic, and each successive time you get stung, even years apart, the allergic reaction gets worse. I suggest you talk to a Dr. and get a prescription for an Epi-Pen and carry the Pen with you wherever you go. I know you are around cattle a lot more than bees, but here is some interesting information: About 62 people (80% are males) die each year from bee stings in the US. 20-22 people are killed by cattle each year in the US.
@MurraysMutts , bee stings are no joke if you are highly allergic, and each successive time you get stung, even years apart, the allergic reaction gets worse. I suggest you talk to a Dr. and get a prescription for an Epi-Pen and carry the Pen with you wherever you go. I know you are around cattle a lot more than bees, but here is some interesting information: About 62 people (80% are males) die each year from bee stings in the US. 20-22 people are killed by cattle each year in the US.
So your saying that NOT a normal reaction?
I just figured it is what it is ya know?

To be clear, not talking about honey bees. Most always hornet/wasp sting. I ain't been hit be a honey bee in years and years.
So your saying that NOT a normal reaction?
I just figured it is what it is ya know?

To be clear, not talking about honey bees. Most always hornet/wasp sting. I ain't been hit be a honey bee in years and years.
Swelling, yes. Light headed, not so much. If you pass out, you can't get help if you need it. Check into an Epi-Pen. Please? (Ask a Dr.)

Toxins from the sting from a bee vs wasp are much the same.
I've developed some kind of allergy to the bass turds as I've gotten a few years on me.
Swell up something fierce! And sore! Omg sore.

If the dang things hit me anywhere above my upper arms/shoulders, I get light headed/hot flashes like I'm gonna pass out too.

I can sure do without em. To be sure, I'm extra careful any more
You might to get a couple epi pens to keep around. Of course never have one handy when the accident happens. On edit: I see it has been suggested above.
I've developed some kind of allergy to the bass turds as I've gotten a few years on me.
Swell up something fierce! And sore! Omg sore.

If the dang things hit me anywhere above my upper arms/shoulders, I get light headed/hot flashes like I'm gonna pass out too.

I can sure do without em. To be sure, I'm extra careful any more
Had a fella call me about a tractor I was trying to sell. First thing he asked was did it have a cab. Apparently his FIL died in his arms about a month before that raking hay and hit a wasp nest. He had a pen but was no use said he was gone in minutes. Don't play around with that.
Good advise, @MurraysMutts! Seriously, get one. In the meantime, keep Bendadryl handy. Almost lost my brother to anaphylactic shock and he now always has an epi pen handy.

Last time I got stung, Mr TC sprayed it with WD-40 and it really did help reduce the pain. I have no clue why.
If a yellow jacket or wasp does that just imagine a European hornet or a bald face hornet . 1 in hand may not kill you but 1 or 2 or more around head could be deadly quick. Get a pen and use it just to be safe !
I had an uncle that was stung by a honey bee. The doctor said had they been a minute later getting him to the hospital he would not have made it. It's better safe than sorry.
my old time remedy for stings. small amount chewing tobacco in palm of your hand, spit to moisten it and put on sting. if you can do it within a minute or so, it wont swell up and will stop stinging. im 63 and have used it 30 times or so on me and my kids. if it is 20 minutes later it helps, but it is already swelled up by then. i don't chew tobacco but i keep a pack in the refrigerator in case
Back in 2015 before the wife and I got married we were taslking on the phone and she told me a pillar of their community died of a bee sting. Teh next morning at church (200 miles away) the pastor announced that the father of one of the church members died of a single bee sting. Turned out to be the same man. Big rugged ex cop. Retired back to the family ranch. Got stung and made it into the back door and dropped dead. If you react like that to a bee sting get an epi pen or two and keep one around close.

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