Bad news today...

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
South Georgia
I got a phone call this afternoon letting me know that David, my friend of several years, was shot and killed today. He was a good guy. Many would have called him crazy. I always just understood him as being confident and blessed with a set of nads that allowed him to make some bold moves that others wouldn't dare. I know he died doing what he felt was right. He will be missed. I know his family would appreciate your thoughts and prayers. For he himself, I'm sure he would appreciate your raising your glass in cheers as I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want anyone crying over his loss as I did today. He'll be missed. Nuff said.
I'm so sorry, Jo. I know what it's like to lose a close friend, as I'm sure many others do. I don't drink anymore, but i'm raising my glass of tea to him right now. Hang in there.
jo i know youll miss your friend dearly.his family an yours will be in my thoughts an prayers.
Is that the guy that threw a green pine burr at a yellow jacket nest? That's the kind of people we need in this world.. Sorry for your loss and his family's loss and the community's loss. Sad to hear.
Sorry to hear about your loss. A good friend is hard to find.
Hang in there Jo. I know it is going to be tough for both the family and friends. I'm still heading down that road.
Your in my thoughts and prayers. :cry2: :heart: A hug from one friend to another.
Joe, so sorry about the loss of your friend. Many of us have been in your place. You have my deepest sympathy.
Where and why was he shot accident, law enforcement, military, drive by, barroom brawl, domestic violence or what. Fill us in please.

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