Bad Day

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2005
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Saskatchewan, Canada
We lost 10 cows the other day. They fell into the dugout. With all the snow, the ice isn't as thick as it usually is by this time.We had been watering there since Dec 1, so really didn't think we would have any problems..... We brought the herd home last Friday, it was getting too hard to feed out in the fields, and if we got stuck it would be easier if we were closer to the yard. After we moved the herd, we went back to the water hole, to get our axe and shovel, we counted 9 froze into the ice. Yesterday, we had the local trackhoe guy come and dig them out of the dugout and bury them. Very sad day.... Lost 3 bred heifers and 7 cows. 1 that was the daughter's 4H heifer a few years ago, one that was just a darn good cow. The other cows were just cows....
Dang........has that ever happen to you before? How do you prevent something like this? Sorry about your cattle loss......
Oh Randi I am sorry to hear that. :( :(
Know a bit of the pain and despair you might be feeling.

Here's a hug for you :heart:
It always bothers me when we lose a cow or calf.
Dang Randi,

That a tough one! Sorry to hear about that. I've wondered before how people don't lose cattle in watering ponds. We're lucky down here, water everywhere, so you can put a shallow well and a trough almost anywhere.

Is this what happened? They fell into a pond that wasn't frozen enough to hold the weight and then they couldn't get out? I don't know how to prevent that....

Really tough one. That would definitely qualify as a bad day!
Sorry to hear that Randi. An accident I guess. Maybe covered by insurance since it was an accident? I know that's not much help when you have worked hard to breed these animals... But I can imagine how you feel. So sorry.

Jim, talking about insurance for something like that. Have heard too many times about cattle around here, lots of people water from ponds, falling in the ice and the owner getting the cattle out while still alive. They may go as far as dragging them to a barn and trying to save them. Insurance wouldn't pay if they died out of the pond, as it was for drowning only. Had to let the adjuster see them in the pond floating. If they fall in around here and are found alive most just shoot them in the pond unless it just happened. gs
We don't normally have frozen ponds around here
About 15 years ago we had a wierd winter where it froze and stayed froze for over a month straight.
Ponds were freezing over solid- the cattle had no idea of how to handle that
Even with another water source avaiable they still walked on the ponds
LOTS of people lost cattle and we helped drag at least 20 out.
It was a bad year all the way round.
If you are like me you will be kicking yourself for a long time,( feel like you shoulded of done something different), hind sight is 20/20 so thay say..Truly sorry fo your lose....
so sorry to hear about that bad loss.i know your sick an hurt loosing 10 cows in that way.the real sad thing is thats a years profit down the drain.
Oh man - I got sick feeling in the pit of my stomach reading that. Sooooo sorry.
I know you realize it - but some people don't understand. When we have really thick deep snow, it insulates the ground or water. So, it can be really really cold, but you could get stuck in mud under the snow - or in this case, the water didn't freeze enough.
real bummer
Randi, I am sorry to read about that. A hug for you! Take care!

Been through it here to but the bred heifer survived. Dunno if the calf will though.

It is a freak year. Everything just not freezing right. Hubby is still breaking through with the tractor and getting stuck in mud and water. I think it will get worse before it gets better. Hang in there.

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