ate a big serloin steak

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2005
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well i just got through eating a big was so big it covered 3/4 of my plate an weighed 2lbs more or less.along with it i ate a salad baked tater an grilling beans an 4 peices of garlic it sure was some good im way to full.
Sounds good. We're headed to son and daughter-in-law's shortly for Mother's Day dinner. Don't know what we're having, but I'm sure I'll eat my fair share. I've always said if you're gonna eat, do it up right, and I've got the gut to prove it.
i ate a steak about like that for easter. it took up my whole plate so i had a seperate one for the casseroles and stuff. i out ate my dad and uncle. i had to, they didnt believe a girl could.

everybody enjoys a good steak :D
Think I'll have a steak tonight for dinner. The BIL is buying and seeing as how he eats me out of house and home every Sunday , I hate to deprive him of the chance to get paid back. Besides I've been on a diet for a month and am on the verge of seeing the bottom side of 200lbs for the first time in 10 years.

Oh hel, better just have a salad if I'm gonna get under 200. Well it was a good thought while it lasted. Like they say happiness is never a permanent condidion.
Jogeephus":k45kbcdm said:
I take it you didn't buy the steak at Wallyworld. Or is that actually steak they sell. :lol:

Wally world here actually has a sign at the front door guaranteeing their meat program. It says;If you don't like it; you don't have to pay for it.
bigbull338":2rzn2w7p said:
well i just got through eating a big was so big it covered 3/4 of my plate an weighed 2lbs more or less.along with it i ate a salad baked tater an grilling beans an 4 peices of garlic it sure was some good im way to full.

Well reading this and seeing Vans' avatar steak sounds GREAT ,,,,,,,,,,
Hey Bigbull, you have to think of the positive in all this, at least you had a salad with your meal... :lol: :banana: :p .
yes a very tiny salad it was now to tonite going to have homemade ice i still have some pie to eat before the ice going tobe to full tonite.
Bigbull, you do realize the menu you stated had only one meat item out of five total items and based on my figuring you are eating 80% vegetarian. Might want to be careful their cause I think you are playing with fire. Heck, if you are not careful you might wake up one night craving tofu or something. Might lay off the salad next time or at least fry that tater in some fat to be safe. Hate to see you go vegetarian on us. ;-) :lol2: :lol2:
bigbull338":1o6i2yjn said:
yes a very tiny salad it was now to tonite going to have homemade ice i still have some pie to eat before the ice going tobe to full tonite.

indigestion tablets at the ready. that was some meal, a steak that big would have fed all three of my lot and still had some left. Wow. God rest your belly. as my Mother would have said.
chrisy i picked that steak out i wasnt gonna share it with no 1.esp since i am only gonna get to eat once today.eating 2lbs of meat i dont think im turning into a veggie .i love meat to much todo that.
Jogeephus":304a7a8u said:
I take it you didn't buy the steak at Wallyworld. Or is that actually steak they sell. :lol:
I'm serious. That is some mighty strange textured stuff they have labled steak at walmart.
They cover 'em with so much preservative they look bright pink on the outside for weeks but if you cut into a raw one they already look well done :!:
I did eat my big 1.3 lb ribeye from Hebert's meat market. Seasoned it good with TexJoy Steak seasoning and threw it on a 500 degree fire for 2 minutes then flip and 2 more minutes. Seared hard on the outside and a very jucie rare on the inside.
3fifty7":gvmi5sxr said:
They cover 'em with so much preservative they look bright pink on the outside for weeks but if you cut into a raw one they already look well done :!:

The boxed meat is also gassed. If you crack the seal it of the box and take a whiff you can smell the malodorous preservative. This preservative is not considered food so it is not tested as such by FDA and it may or may not be bad for you. Not picking on Walmart, but I don't/won't buy boxed meat anywhere unless I have no other choice. But in general, I doubt the average consumer really knows what good beef should taste like. I mean, once they smother it with A1, ketchup or Heinz 57 - what's to taste?

I cooked steaks this weekend and like Bigbull's steak, my plate looked a lot like a life raft from the Titanic. Just couldn't put much more on the plate. It was fitting to say the least. :p
3fifty7":36p27oeo said:
They cover 'em with so much preservative they look bright pink on the outside for weeks but if you cut into a raw one they already look well done :!:
I think you have it figured out 3fifty7.
I have beef,pork,deer,chicken,rabbit,squerill,catfish,and elk in my freezer.
Don't hardly think peta would be proud of me.

3fifty7":26sj8c9u said:
They cover 'em with so much preservative they look bright pink on the outside for weeks but if you cut into a raw one they already look well done :!:
That's why I like to have my own meat in the freezer , I know where it came from . I used to be able to eat a 2 lber by myself but I don't think I could anymore.

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