And another cougar

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2004
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Baker County, Oregon
I just shot a cougar. Not a real big one but it is the first one I have ever shot. It was basically just across from the end of my driveway about 50 yards up the hill. Shot it with the old 30-30 that rides on the gun rack of my quad. The battery is dead on my camera so no pictures today. Pictures tomorrow after the battery recharges.
It was maybe a quarter mile from my house. Up over the little ridge it is probably less than a quarter mile to the neighbors house. We are kind of out in the middle of no where but we aren't fond of having the big cats this close. My dogs are normally quiet at night. The last couple nights they have barked a lot. One does have to wonder if this cat was snooping around during the night.
It's a lot bigger than I thought it would be. They look as though they could do a bit of damage to a person if they were so inclined. I have wrestled an occaisional domestic cat in my job and they can shred you a bit.

That is a small one. Maybe a yearling. Might have weighed 60 pounds. An average size one will go 120-150 pounds. A real big one will be up around 200. About 5 years ago there was a man killed by one by Seattle WA. Teh next year there was a woman hiker

I went out to the spot where I shot it. It was in front of the biggest juniper to the right side of the picture. When shot it ran across the draw and died by that single little tree to the right of the draw. I turned a little over 90 degrees and took a picture of my house. Gives you an idea how close it was to my house.

Correct me if I'm wrong Dave, I think I remember in another thread you said the wildlife officers authorised you to shoot them if they were close to tour house but otherwise they are protected????/

Correct me if I'm wrong Dave, I think I remember in another thread you said the wildlife officers authorised you to shoot them if they were close to tour house but otherwise they are protected????/

They are not protected. There is open season all year. You have to buy a tag. There is a quota on how many can be killed in the area. They never do reach that quota number. That one too close to the house was a sickly looking starved down cat. Wildlife said just shoot it and don't waste a tag on it. Nobody (including wildlife) wants a starved down one anywhere near houses.
Plenty of snow in the hills so all the deer are down in the valley. Deer are the cats natural food supply. As a result the cats are all down too. Yesterday morning I ran to town. There was a deer standing right where my cat died. Came home there was a dozen deer in that area. I bet they are happy the cat is dead.
The all important question: hows the underbite? Were u encroaching on its territory and thus destroying future generations resources? (Disclaimer: This is obviously a joke post, i know some people have a hard time differentiating the two)
Probly better spray that cat with roundup to be sure also!
They are not protected. There is open season all year. You have to buy a tag. There is a quota on how many can be killed in the area. They never do reach that quota number. That one too close to the house was a sickly looking starved down cat. Wildlife said just shoot it and don't waste a tag on it. Nobody (including wildlife) wants a starved down one anywhere near houses.
Plenty of snow in the hills so all the deer are down in the valley. Deer are the cats natural food supply. As a result the cats are all down too. Yesterday morning I ran to town. There was a deer standing right where my cat died. Came home there was a dozen deer in that area. I bet they are happy the cat is dead.
Dave the numbers sound higher than I ever thought there would be, very interesting.

The all important question: hows the underbite? Were u encroaching on its territory and thus destroying future generations resources? (Disclaimer: This is obviously a joke post, i know some people have a hard time differentiating the two)
LOL - underbite - LOL LOL LOL so where is our friend?? I know I have been rude to him, but I couldn't help myself.

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