6 year old boy deer hunting

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2005
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NE Kansas
I have a 6 year old that is just obsessed with being outdoors and being with his dad. I love him for it of course. Last year he and I trapped together and he actually did better than I did on his live traps. This year he has helped me put up every stand and feeder along with broadcasting about 3000lbs of corn by hand over the last couple of months. Well I figure he has invested as much time in this as I have and I had better take him with me. I was just curious if there are any veterans out there with some pointers to help make this hunt enjoyable.

Side Notes: He can sit in a stand longer and quieter than I can.
He is always up and dressed well before I am when it v comes to hunting and fishing.s
You already know what to do, because you already have him involved. And if you don't, the both of you will learn together. Spend time with that kid. Spend all the time you can with him.

Years from now when he is busy with his on life, both you and he will look back and remember the times you shared together.
Some of the best times I had with my kids is when we were out in the woods together. I only wish I had spent more time with them.
Sounds to me like you're doing all the right things now.

There is absolutely no better investment in your kids than your TIME.

I started taking my oldest Elk hunting when he was 5. The only problem I had with him was him getting mad when I tried to carry him out after hiking 3 miles up a mountain. Now he could carry me, and he does every time we hunt. He takes real good care of his old man these days. Even lets me think I'm in charge. Ha Ha

Keep up the good work with your boy, and let him feel like he earned the opportunity to hunt by helpin you.
You could get a small rifle like a youth model 7 and remove the bolt. By letting him "carry a rifle", you could teach him gun safety and care while he is with you keeping in mind he is only six.

Also, if the chance permits, you could let him pull the trigger while you sight the rifle. This is how my son got his first deer and how I got the crescent moon scar above my eye.

The more he is with you and exposed to gun safety and hunting the sooner he will be able to hunt safely on his own. Sounds like you are doing a good job but don't rush it since he is still very young.
When my kids were about your Son's age I would take them with me Hunting. In a Deer Blind I would supply a coloring book, crayons, and unwrapped candy in a zip lock bag. This kept them entertained and quiet. They enjoyed it.
Take him. My oldest son used to ride on my shoulders
as we walked across the pasture and would whisper
"Deer" when he spotted one. He was about 2 and was
a chunk to carry. I loved it, he is a die hard hunter
himself now. He had his son with him in the blinds before
he turned 2.
Also, if the chance permits, you could let him pull the trigger while you sight the rifle. This is how my son got his first deer and how I got the crescent moon scar above my eye

joe when my son was 4 that is what we did and he was proud as punch.This year he is 6 and took a cow horn did it by himself.

KANSAS it sound's like you got a handle on thing's got him out involved in hunting he is with you now that's what i like to call Quality time ;-)