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  1. sim.-ang.king

    solar eclipse April 8. This town is going nuts over it.

    Someone remind to block off all the field entrances April 7th. Don't wanna make that mistake again. We get to deal with two "total solar eclipse" in the past less than 10 years.
  2. sim.-ang.king

    Happy Left Handers Day!

    Those of us that are left handed are the only ones in are right minds.
  3. sim.-ang.king

    Finished planting

    Nah, it's just that wild rye/barley grass stuff that grows everywhere, and is a pain to till.
  4. sim.-ang.king

    Finished planting

    I finished the next to last field. Just an 80ac patch to go, but it may be a while with next weeks forecast. It has been a good week, better than the week when trying to plant corn. Also been planting enlist a couple years now. It's nice having 24d, RUP, and liberty all as options.
  5. sim.-ang.king

    It's pronounced chaps... not chaps.

    You all talk funny.
  6. sim.-ang.king

    Will smith

    The fact a internet forum about cattle, full of hillbillies, rednecks, and country folks, are talking about it, the publicity stunt is working.
  7. sim.-ang.king

    Checking cattle, turns out it wasn’t what it looked like.

    That'll make you take another look. Bout like that 30 point buck you know you can see across the field.
  8. sim.-ang.king

    Feeding Seaweed lowers cows methane 82%

    Isn't being used for an organic iodine source?
  9. sim.-ang.king

    Feeding Seaweed lowers cows methane 82%

    So the Japanese whalers are helping the environment?
  10. sim.-ang.king

    Feeding Seaweed lowers cows methane 82%

    Sure doesn't help the ocean, the largest producer of methane.
  11. sim.-ang.king

    File under 'stranger than fiction'...

    Bit different story. "It was subsequently determined that the false alarms were caused by a rare alignment of sunlight on high-altitude clouds and the satellites' Molniya orbits"
  12. sim.-ang.king

    File under 'stranger than fiction'...

    This reminds me about the story how nuclear war was almost started because a Russian launch detection satellite detected a massive ICBM launch had occured. Until someone finally figured out, it was just the sun.
  13. sim.-ang.king

    Animal Activist ramping up their efforts

    For a laugh, this is my favorite depiction of vegans. :LOL:
  14. sim.-ang.king

    Who is still here?

    A better question is, who remembers all of your past user names. Sir Loin was right up your alley.
  15. sim.-ang.king

    Out of Roundup

    Gramaxone is paraquat, and round up is not related. Gramaxone name brand is a Syngenta product, not Monsanto. Roundup has been used all across the fruited plane, every year for the past 20+ years. If it was going to kill us all, it would of done it by now.
  16. sim.-ang.king


    At least it's not a levitating cougar.
  17. sim.-ang.king

    Better stock up on the Frito-Lays

    Don't know why they are complaining, they truly are working 86 hours a week, I doubt, that's like $1200 a week, for starting wage. You know how much fritos you could buy?
  18. sim.-ang.king

    Hot job.

    Not worth anything in these parts, it burns good though.
  19. sim.-ang.king

    Hot job.

    Don't matter the weather, shearing sheep is a hot job. I'm sure they're happier.
  20. sim.-ang.king

    Ways to get rid of some old rusty wire.......

    Tetanus the cowboy on his motorbike. With his old hound dog, tetani.