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    Keeping/Separating fall heifers

    I like to keep a few of my heifers. They have a separate lot and I feed them part of a round bale each day. A little more labor, but not a big deal. My bull has his on lot until January 1st. I usually try to AI the heifers. I like keeping my own, because I know there bloodline and they will...
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    I usually turn my bull out wit the cow around January 1st. He has good water from a gravity flow spring. (Surprised it’s still running) I am feeding around 6 lbs of 14% feed and a little bit of hay. Maybe 2 blocks out of a 50lb square bale. I’m doing this every morning. Should I do more or less?
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    I have my 1600 lb bull in an acre lot and there is no pasture left due to the drought. How much feed should give him per day?
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    Weaning replacement heifers

    They are 7 months and will be kept for replacements
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    Weaning replacement heifers

    Mainly fescue and clover. Short and growing
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    Weaning replacement heifers

    I’m in TN I’m feeding about 3lbs of some calf starter. Total for 4 heifers. So they are getting less than 1 lb. Just to keep them coming to the barn on a daily basis.
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    Weaning replacement heifers

    How much feed should they get daily if they have plenty of pasture?
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    bottle calf-when to wean?

    I put one back with my cows at 10 weeks. Now at 6 months, she will only weigh around 150 to 200 lbs. I would definitely give it a good worming before turning out. I would probably keep giving feed for a while. This is just my thoughts based on my own experience this past fall.
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    Electric Fence Wire

    For a small lot to wean calves.. Another lot to keep my bull. I only turn him out for fall breeding.
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    Electric Fence Wire

    What size wire would you consider the best to use?
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    Back rubs

    What do you use on your back rubs?
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    Marking calves

    I am getting ready to work my calves. I will be vaccinating, castarating, and tagging. I want to keep a couple of bulls. How can I mark them before sending them thru the shoot?
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    Raising bulls

    I have 4 angus bulls that I want to raise for breeding. I've been feeding them 14% coarse feed from co-op. What and how much do you recommend to make sure they have what they need to grow as the should? They also are on grass pasture. They are now 9 months old.
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    Weaning heifers

    How long before you can put heifers back in with their mothers?
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    High Mag and Fly Control

    I assume you can by the IGR at a local Co-op.
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    High Mag and Fly Control

    I always try to use high mag mineral in the spring. My question is; in order to use a fly control mineral, how do you give the cattle enough magnesium?
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    "Best" Tub and Alley ???

    I have a WW tub and alley that runs into a Formost squeeze Shute. Before I had a wood system and would not ever go back. The tub is half sheet.
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    Registered cattle or not

    I have a small herd (25) of commercial angus cattle. I've been thinking about slowly getting into the registered business. Your pros and cons are welcomed.
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    Couple of Pics

    This is a bull from Canyon Twin Heifers
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    What number do you look for in the EPD? Is this very important? I am just trying to get a little education on this.