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    Some of the Galloway girls

    Great Galloway cattle. Great breed.
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    Cattle Breed

    Could be a Boran or something similar
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    best breed for the tropics

    Any breed with at least half Brahman content. But stay away from the darker coloured breeds. Murray Grey are no good for hot humid climates, unless they are crossed with Brahman.
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    A couple of young Hereford bulls

    Don't like either. Still like bulls with nice masculine heads and good eye set. They are in good condition can't criticize that.
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    Some of my cattle

    Its brown and dry in lots of parts of Australia at present.
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    Thoughts on this Angus bull

    Good butt profile, would like to see him stronger in the head. Guess I'm used to bulls looking like bulls. Numbers mean nothing to me if the animal doesn't look good. I agree he is one of the better ones that I've seen posted on here.
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    Anyone seen a Brahman up north?

    I don't know how you tolerate the bitterness of Winter in your part of the world. I agree we have no where near as cold as you in Canada or the northern US. We are very lucky to be able to run any breed of cattle virtually anywhere in our country.
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    Anyone seen a Brahman up north?

    Brahmans do well in our cold country. I have had them here for years. They manage the cold and frosty conditions well. They don't calve till it starts to warm up so that works well. Any that do calve in the colder times are kept in our warmer area away from the wind chill factor. I have found...
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    Do you think he is worth it?

    What is an Angas? He should have been steered.
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    Crossbreeding ?

    You would get more benefit from using a Brahman.
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    Cows from star lake sale still not here

    Seems like the breeder and the stock agent ( thats if you have them in the US) are very slack. Get yourself a lawyer quick smart. Get your money back and shop elsewhere. You should not have to wait a month for an item you purchase. Every sale I attend now I have the agent assure me that there is...
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    Do Brahman Cattle Moo?

    Yes they do "moo" but they have a distinctive bellow. They are easy to distinct out in the paddock which breed is actually bellowing. Our South Devons bellow just like any cow whereas our brahman or cross cattle revert to the deeper sounding Brahman bellow. Bulls do tend to grunt. Lesser Brahman...
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    british hereford bull

    eye set ok but like them somewhat more pigmented. Eye muscle area doesn't look that great. He's only still young and may well thicken up.I have seen plenty worse posted on here.
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    british hereford bull

    eye set ok but like them somewhat more pigmented. Eye muscle area doesn't look that great. He's only still young and may well thicken up.I have seen plenty worse posted on here.
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    Brahman X Galloway

    I came back onto this site because I though that there might be something to learn about various breeds not to have particular crosses knocked ( this cross of this thread is very useful) There are a lot of cattlebreeders out there looking for better alternatives than Angus. The Galloway is most...
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    Wynne Brangus

    Why don't you check out AI from some Australian Brangus? The breed is doing very well over here. Check out the Brangus site for breeder sites. There are a few breeders using Brinks lines with Australia's higher content Brahman (Brangus ) Lets hope Australian breeders don't stuff things up and...
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    Young Hereford Bull

    A very good article
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    Lincoln Red Cattle

    Thanks. Missed the interaction with people from other parts of the world. It is quite dry here at present coudl do with some more rain. its starting to warm up.
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    Fullblood Chianina Cattle

    I agree with the above post I never ever seen a badly uddered Chianina cow. They always had nice neat udders, never bottle teated or anything like that. I had never really heard of any temperament problems and had seen many being tendered by older people so agility wasn't of concern. They were a...
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    Brahman X Galloway

    Pure Brahman and any of their crosses are becoming more predominate in our high country where I live. I realise that it is not as bitter in winter as those similar altitudes or latitudes of North America. Our area ranges from 3,000 to 4,500 above sea level. A number of breeders use the Brahman...