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  1. B

    dealing with an agressive bull calf

    I agree with all, at this point you have few options. But next year, if your cows are pretty tame, you can likely keep this scenario from occuring by teaching your baby bulls that they need to turn sideways to you always, and never "face up". We raise bull calves for breeding, and actually we...
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    bull pawing the ground/blowing snot

    It's absolute foolishness to think you can change a bulls mind if he is aggressive . Some do their breeding via aggression, smashing calves and other cows away who are trying to ride the cow in heat --- some wait for their opportunity, get the job done with a minimum of ramming around and...
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    BSE results not good

    Don't ship him yet! It's likely the heat. Is he a Victor Domino bull?
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    Using BST to increase milk out put

    Thanks for all comments, just an update. I am feeding the cow calf starter 2x a day. We have had a ton of rain and the pasture is terrific. The cow is getting fatter (she was in heat yesterday) and the twins are growing but they are thin. We have done no BST, but might in the future. The cow...
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    Using BST to increase milk out put

    Thank you. I've been feeding her some calf starter twice a day. Will hold off on the BST idea, it was just a thought.
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    Dead Calves in Heifers

    Were they huge calves? Wondering if maybe they'd all been calving awhile and no one noticed, they just couldn't deliver? Were they all just moved, the pecking order stuff (ramming on the mother who is heavily pregnant) that can kill a calf in utero--or just hauled? Did they get overheated...
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    Using BST to increase milk out put

    Once, years ago, I had a super fat show heifer who had nearly no milk, no bag, I gave her BST 2x, and she did raise the calf, we sold her (the non-milking heifer). Yesterday, my worst milking cow gave birth to twin heifers. This is her 3rd lactation she has adequate milk for one calf, but...
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    a tiny calf

    Angus. Maybe she's a lowline! We have had some small calves from our clean-up bull. But a heifer born today weighed 99lbs, same sire. The cows are 1/2 sisters. I think this calf is a twin. There was evidence in the pasture that this cow had moved several hundred yards from water breaking, to...
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    another prolapse topic

    I find the best stitch pattern is to use the umbilical tape, bury the suture deep, almost to where the hair grows on the sides of the vulva where the perineum meets the thigh, like 2" deep and 2-3 inches away from the vulva lips. Bury all the tape under the skin except where you tie your bow, a...
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    I wish I could send you ours. It is the coldest, gloomiest, wettest spring ever in Minnesota. Nothing but the weeds are growing well. Even too cold for morel mushrooms.
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    Newborn Calf

    If the baby seems not to be afraid, you can stroke it a bit while it is resting. You won't believe how this early interaction with humans will change his attitude, sometimes for a lifetime. Keep your eye on mom, though. And also since you are new, don't go out there with a dog. Even a gentle cow...
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    a tiny calf

    Our calves birth weights are all over the map this year, but average 80 lbs. We had a 62 lb tiny heifer born l wk early. She seems healthy, but is tiny and super fine boned. We looked and looked and LOOKED for a twin,didn't find one. My question is if others have had this experience. Since...
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    angus breeding

    Maybe you were asking "when can she get pregnant?" Well, occasionally they get pregnant really young, like 5- 6 mos. Sometimes these will carry a calf and care for it pretty well. Sometimes they need a lot of help to deliver the calf and the whole thing is a wreck.
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    Need advice on heifer not taking calf

    I think if you are going to keep trying, you need to make the experience in the chute a pleasant one. Disciplining her isn't going to help much, or screaming at her or hitting her with a branch. You might try some oxytocin (couple ccs) about a minute or so before you bring the calf up to the...
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    NH Angus-now looking for CE Club Bull Semen

    The Tryon bull looks terrific, we can sure try that for $30/straw, plus it's an angus, maybe we'd get lucky and have a NH free!
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    NH Angus-now looking for CE Club Bull Semen

    Awhile back, I posted about our herd getting hammered with AM/NH/CA. Still have 5 nice cows that are NH. Just tested last years calves, they are all NH too, it seems to be a sticky mutation. Well, the hell with that, I'm thinking AI to a Club Calf bull and if they are fancy, maybe someone...
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    Foster calf from a dairy

    I made a compromise and let the heifer in with 2 other mothers and their week-2week olds in a small pasture. As of last night things were going well, though I am not sure that my dairy heifer is going to have adequate volume of milk for this enormous holstein. My worry was the calf...
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    Foster calf from a dairy

    Thank you very much for answering. He came from a very "good" dairy - I think they milk about 1500. They have full time dairy calf staff and they try hard to do everything "right". I've gotten 3 or 4 newborn baby bulls from there over the years and had good luck. The great thing is that they...
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    Foster calf from a dairy

    My worry is about all those dairy calf diseases -- e coli, cryptosporidia, rotavirus, coronavirus, all those diarrhea agents spreading to my herd. What do you guys think about that issue?
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    Foster calf from a dairy

    A beautiful show angus heifer lost her Sitz Upward bull calf at birth, I was a lousy obstetrician, she's pretty fat. Got her a one hour old dairy bull calf which she accepted as her own. She wants to go with the other mother cows and the herd. How long would you guys keep this calf and the...