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  1. rancherswife

    Premise ID @CO.state fair

    Someone sent me this link this morning. I hope it works. I feel for the kids :(
  2. rancherswife

    Chocolate & Goats-Lambs

    I don't think I would ever use chocolate but we have used fig newtons a few times!!
  3. rancherswife

    Fair finally over!!!!!

    Thanks for all the Congrats!!! He loves reading your replies! He couldn't sell his goat because our fair only allows one animal in the sale unless they are champions then they have to sell. We still don't have the pics but as soon as I get them I'll post some.
  4. rancherswife

    Fair finally over!!!!!

    I thought I would let you all know how my Grandson did with his steers. I don't have any pics yet but as soon as I do I will post them. Steers were in two different weight classes and they both got 2nd places. There were about 15 steers in each class so we were really thrilled at 2nd. He had...
  5. rancherswife

    6 weeks to go

    You guys are cracking me up this morning!!! :lol: I always tell him he looks like a BUM but now that ya mention it it is kinda Gangsta :shock: My son, his uncle, is a firefighter and he gives him all his old fireman shirts. The kid loves them especially to wear when he's workin with the...
  6. rancherswife

    My Daughter's Show Steer

    Mama M, I think you made the right decision! I know it was hard but I bet your daughter will be okay with it. By the looks of him she did a good job of taking care of him. He does'nt look like he missed any meals :lol: I am sure she has learned alot and she can be proud of what she did...
  7. rancherswife

    6 weeks to go

    My Grandson is getting down to the wire on these 2 steers. He's got 6 weeks to fair. We are pouring the feed to them and even put some lights up to get them to eat at night. It has been in the 90's here and they eat, but just not with as much enjoyment as usual :lol: How do they look?? He...
  8. rancherswife

    Question about Problem Steer.

    How much more time do you have on this steer before you show him? That would be a big part of my decision to keep him or ship him and start over. In my opinion I would ship him. If he is knocking your husband to the ground your daughter is probably going to have a real hard time keeping control...
  9. rancherswife

    surfs up in cali :)~

    yep it is really good exercise. We keep them on a pretty long rope though just so they don't swim over anyone!! It's never happened but it could if you arent looking I guess. They seem to enjoy pulling the kid around and he thinks it's pretty cool. We only have these 2 steers for the...
  10. rancherswife

    surfs up in cali :)~

    It has been so warm here the past few days. When my kids were younger they would swim their steers for exercise and it also helped wear them out alittle when they wanted to take off. So over the weekend we decided to try it with the Grandsons steers and they had a ball!! The bald face calf is...
  11. rancherswife

    what should i do with this steer?!?

    Thanks for the replys :lol: It looks like my Grandson is on track by upping the grain this weekend. If my math is right :oops: You reminded me about the implants. I meant to ask about them earlier and forgot to. What do you all think about them? We have never used them, but like you said...
  12. rancherswife

    what should i do with this steer?!?

    AAOK, I have a been reading posts on how to feed show steers and yours always seem to make the most sense. My Grandson is raising 2 steers for our county fair in May. They are up around 700 and 750. I know everyone feeds different and there are some people who don't want to give away their...
  13. rancherswife

    We're thinking about him??

    :lol: :lol: :lol: I know what ya mean. My mind gets fuzzy alot!! The first 3 pics are of the mottled calf we originally wanted. We made the decision to go get him and the Grandson liked the bald faced calf too. So we ended up bringing them both home. The mottled face is the better of the...
  14. rancherswife

    We're thinking about him??

    Thanks for all the opinions. I love hearing what everyone has to say. We had 5 steers to pick from that were the right age for our fairs. My 10 year old Grandson made the final decision. It was hard to let him do it, but they are his project not ours. He is fourth generation 4-H,FFA and we...
  15. rancherswife

    We're thinking about him??

    OK gonna see if I can do this :oops: Probably not the best pictures but I need to take some more.
  16. rancherswife

    Internet Conquest, Show Calves (Pictures)

    The 2 steers we just bought were found on the internet. After alot of emailing and a DVD we made the trip up to look at them and brought them home. Worked out great for us!
  17. rancherswife

    We're thinking about him??

    Well....we bought him! And another one too. Now I'm broke!! :lol: We had to go to Northern CA. almost to the Oregon border to get them but we think it was worth the trip. As soon as I can remember how to post pics I will post some new ones for you all to see and give your opinions. My...
  18. rancherswife

    Club Calves from Colorado

    well....we didn't find any steers in Colorado, but we did find a new trailer with living quarters!! The Colorado state fair was going on that weekend so it didn't work out as far as meeting with anyone who had steers. They were all going to be at the fair and we had to pick up the new longhorns...
  19. rancherswife

    We're thinking about him??

    Thanks for all the input ;-) The Grandson has decided to try to buy him. He is sooo excited!
  20. rancherswife

    We're thinking about him??

    My Grandson found this steer and is really liking him. This is the only pic I could get so I hope it is enough to get some of your expert opinions on him. Thanks