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  1. D

    Fall pairs to the sale

    So I had 5 kind of ratty fall pairs I bought last October. They had been running with B's fall pairs. Well yesterday he gathered his pairs and split off the calves. So my pairs got a trip to town. They sold today, of course they split them to sell. I averaged paying $1,500 a pair last fall...
  2. D

    Cattle drive

    Yesterday B gathered about 250 pairs down into a trap. They branded the calves. Then they drove the herd up the road passed my place to where they got left for the night. This morning they will continue the drive up the canyon about 10 miles. I sat on my quad blocking the driveway. Took a...
  3. D

    Took one in

    When we gathered off the hill last week there was one calf looking wimpy. Ran his mom into the chute. She had right next to no milk. So he is on the bottle and she got a ride to town today. Weighed 1,395 and sold for $1.35. I am not certain how much I paid for her so I used the average...
  4. D

    Went fishing

    On the Snake River. This was on the pool up stream from the Brownlee Dam. This is the up stream end of what becomes Hell's Canyon. Beautiful scenery and the river was flat as glass today. It was a good thing it was a beautiful day to enjoy the river because we never had a single nibble...
  5. D

    Best laid plans

    So I went to the sale today. No intention to buy anything. I didn't take the trailer or my check book. So naturally I bought 2 pairs. I get home and call B to find out when we are catching the cows up on the hill. Should I work these cows when I get them home and kick them up the hill or...
  6. D

    Jordan Valley Big Loop

    I know it is a long ways from the vast majority here. We went to the Jordan Valley Big Loop yesterday. This isn't your normal rodeo. This isn't professional rodeo cowboys. It is cowboys and ranchers from buckaroo country getting together for a fun weekend. Jordan Valley (population 130) is...
  7. D

    first thing every morning

    These two are waiting for me at the back door. They want their breakfast. If they would spend their night hunting and eating mice they wouldn't be so hungry every morning. I have to feed them before I turn the dogs loose. Otherwise the race is on.
  8. D

    Mornign chore

    This morning I told the wife I was going out to water my plants. I think I have a little different definition than most people when it comes to watering the plants. But grass is a plant I have have about 67 acres to water on a regular basis. My daily morning chore that started a couple weeks...
  9. D

    Warmed up

    Just last week we were below 30 degrees in the morning. Yesterday it hit 80. And today is suppose to be 85. This is too big of a change too quickly. It is supposed to change slowly allowing me time to adjust. I am more comfortable in cold weather than in hot so summer is my least favorite...
  10. D


    I said I would write up somethings about the Owyhee. This river drains some of the biggest most desolate area in the country. The name comes from the early spelling and pronouncing of Hawaii. An early trapping expedition of the Northwest Fur Company explored this area in 1815. About a third...
  11. D

    Dry cows

    About a month ago we worked all the calves and hauled the pairs off to summer camp. The dry cows got kicked up on the hill behind my house. Thirteen cows on about 230 acres. Enough grass for about 2 months. I run up there on the quad about twice a day to see if I can spot new calves. There...
  12. D

    Irrigation water.

    We got the water going down the main ditches over 2 weeks ago. But all my field ditches were in serious need of being plowed. I didn't plow any of them last year. Between cows marching across them, rocks rolling into them, and general sediment build up it would be a challenge to get water to...
  13. D

    First calvers

    Yesterday we branded the calves. Today we had to sort off some pairs and we hauled the remaining 100 pairs off to their summer home. Two semi trailers and 3 stock trailers full of the cows. And 2 stock trailers stacked full of the little calves. Mixed in with the cows was half a dozen Angus...
  14. D

    Fun at brandings

    I think today was the 8th or 9th branding I have helped at this year. Two or three every week and others that I knew about but didn't attend. Some of them have too many people. Some of them not enough help. Today was about right. But it was about the most miserable weather. Which is saying...
  15. D

    Cowboy stuff is fun

    A couple of my cows ended up on the neighbor's place. I won't go into that long story how they ended up there. But these two witches are a bit spooky. They were there for about 10 days until the cowboys had time to go get them. A black cow and a red brokle faced cow. The red cow had a calf...
  16. D

    State line

    I had to go to New Plymouth Idaho this morning for some grass seed. I also had some things which I normally get at D&B Supply in Baker which is the opposite direction. But there is a D&B in Ontario. Ontario sits on the the state line. The Snake River is the border. Ontario, Oregon is on the...
  17. D

    Moving neighbor's pairs

    One of my neighbor's house, barns, etc is on the south side of the river. His cow herd winters on the north side. His range land is on the south side. The river is running too high to cross the calves. So rather than drown the calves he brings them up and uses my bridge. This means they...
  18. D

    Spring is in the air

    Daffodils blooming in the flower bed. The apricot tree in the back yard is in full bloom. Fresh snow this morning on the hill just a little above the house. Yep, sure signs of spring here in Baker County.
  19. D

    Feed row

    Cows eating hay this morning in the feed row. If things go according to plan A this will be the last time I feed this spring. Where they are going to for the first couple weeks is a little below this mornings snow level. I would help the grass to grow if it would warm up a bit. Maybe quit...
  20. D

    That time of year

    I went to a branding last Friday and on Saturday and then again on Tuesday. Guessing over 700 calves total. Another on on Friday. We are branding here on Saturday. Followed by another one on Sunday and them again on Monday. By talking to the other guys at brandings they have been to ones...