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Apr 26, 2010
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Grandsons here for a few days, we are having fun and they are helping a bunch.

The youngest lost a tooth today and put it under his pillow. Supper over, sent them out to burn off supper a bit. The Chilcotin Tooth Fairy already took the tooth and left $20. Mom and Dad going to have to ante up now!
Our daughter walked out of her room a few years back crying and we asked to understand. She said she lost a tooth a few days ago and the tooth fairy never came. She said she didn't want to tell anyone so it would be a surprise when she took us out for dinner... miss that little girl sometimes. She's almost 15 now. When did that happen? I work too much...
Most kids don't understand the value of money. If minimum wage is $7-15 that equal 1 hour of your life, of your time. $20 seems legit for 1 tooth right? Tooth fairy left my son $20 and some color changing putty. Of course he cared more about that putty. 😆 20x 20 teeth just $400. Our kids money goes in saving account. I look at it more as investment. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Funny way giving my kids money and making them save it.

People around here get their teeth pulled for pain pills. Guess it's worth it when you have a pill problem. I believe we have discussed this before on another thread.... can't put a value on your teeth.
My son who is 19 now usually got $5, he told a friend of mine that one time and was excited about getting $5, my friend told him " dang, your tooth fairy is a tight wad". LOL
Most kids don't understand the value of money. If minimum wage is $7-15 that equal 1 hour of your life, of your time. $20 seems legit for 1 tooth right? Tooth fairy left my son $20 and some color changing putty. Of course he cared more about that putty. 😆 20x 20 teeth just $400. Our kids money goes in saving account. I look at it more as investment. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Funny way giving my kids money and making them save it.

People around here get their teeth pulled for pain pills. Guess it's worth it when you have a pill problem. I believe we have discussed this before on another thread.... can't put a value on your teeth.
I can put a value on them, dentist pulled four broken ones in my mouth a few years ago, $5,000 each to replace them with implants. Good thing they were molars so no one sees they're missing. As to pulling teeth for pills, I never filled the prescription the dentist gave me. I might if I had it to do over, went three or four days where I couldn't bare the thought of putting food in my mouth. I miss those teeth every single day.
I got $1 that was 125 years ago. I'd always try to trick the tooth fairy by putting rocks that looked like teeth under my pillow. Never worked.
I don't think the importance of taking care of your teeth is stressed near enough. I'm extremely picky about my teeth. I'd rather pay x amount to fix a cavity than it get worse and end up having it pulled.
If you need pain pills is one thing versus if your just having teeth pulled to get pain pill cause you have a pill addiction.
Anytime of implant or replacement will never be the same as your real original. All these people getting knee replacements or hips. I'm not saying if you get to that point you shouldn't but just saying it won't ever be the same as yours or make you feel 16 again. 😉😊
I got $1 that was 125 years ago. I'd always try to trick the tooth fairy by putting rocks that looked like teeth under my pillow. Never worked.
I don't think the importance of taking care of your teeth is stressed near enough. I'm extremely picky about my teeth. I'd rather pay x amount to fix a cavity than it get worse and end up having it pulled.
If you need pain pills is one thing versus if your just having teeth pulled to get pain pill cause you have a pill addiction.
Anytime of implant or replacement will never be the same as your real original. All these people getting knee replacements or hips. I'm not saying if you get to that point you shouldn't but just saying it won't ever be the same as yours or make you feel 16 again. 😉😊

Once one has gone past or not, you never feels the same again! ;)
I got $1 that was 125 years ago. I'd always try to trick the tooth fairy by putting rocks that looked like teeth under my pillow. Never worked.
I don't think the importance of taking care of your teeth is stressed near enough. I'm extremely picky about my teeth. I'd rather pay x amount to fix a cavity than it get worse and end up having it pulled.
If you need pain pills is one thing versus if your just having teeth pulled to get pain pill cause you have a pill addiction.
Anytime of implant or replacement will never be the same as your real original. All these people getting knee replacements or hips. I'm not saying if you get to that point you shouldn't but just saying it won't ever be the same as yours or make you feel 16 again. 😉😊
125 years ago? You go fishing much?
125 years ago? You go fishing much?
😅 don't I look 125? People been lying about their age for years I figured I'd pick a number. Doesn't made much after a certain point doesn't it? You fall in age groups 18-21 22-30 31-old. 🤷🏽‍♀️ until your old enough for Medicare or social security.

Not sure I understand how teeth relate to fishing.... 🤨 I like to fish. Not a serious hard-core fisher but I do enjoy it.
"Not sure I understand how teeth relate to fishing...."

Fisherman are notorious for stretching the truth and, the size of their fish. You were stretching your age a bit...

Well duh! 😆🤦🏽‍♀️ Nobody ever said I was smart. 🙄🤪 That fly over my head.
@Chevy I'm guessing your probably a little younger than me (I'll be 40 soon) and I don't consider myself old by any means.

Pst. Don't want hurt your feeling or nothing but if your almost 40 your OLD!!! Over the hill 🤨 Keep telling yourself your not old. Let's see you do somethings you did in your 20's and 30s and not have some aches and pain. 😁
I'm not saying your life is over at 40 or anything like that. Most certainly your not young and getting like you wants was. I actually think life would just be getting good at 40. Of course that is different for everyone.
Maybe 65 plus is "OLD" who really decides that? Now I'm confused.
Pst. Don't want hurt your feeling or nothing but if your almost 40 your OLD!!! Over the hill 🤨 Keep telling yourself your not old. Let's see you do somethings you did in your 20's and 30s and not have some aches and pain. 😁
I'm not saying your life is over at 40 or anything like that. Most certainly your not young and getting like you wants was. I actually think life would just be getting good at 40. Of course that is different for everyone.
Maybe 65 plus is "OLD" who really decides that? Now I'm confused.
My Dad just turned 74 and can still hang with the best of them when it comes to working. Yesterday I hired 2 teenage boys to help me clean up root wads on new ground,my dad was supposed to just drive the 4 wheeler while we threw brush and roots on trailer, he would pull up and get off everytime and start picking stuff up. I bet I told him 20 times to just stay on the 4 wheeler and let us do the hard work. We had all started dragging butt about 7 hours into it so we knocked off for the day then I went and built fence another 2 hours. My point being my 74 year old Dad didn't give out before 2 teenage boys and I still had another 2 hours worth of work in me. When I start to feel old a day like that reassures me I'm not that old. My wife says I have short man syndrome, I can't ever let anyone outdo me, at the same time I know my limits for my age.
A lot of it depends on what you are used to doing. What you are most used to will not be that hard, but lay off for awhile and start back and it will be hard.
INMHO lack of activity is more of a problem than number of years. Not saying that age is not a factor, but a lot of people make a lot more of it than it actually is.

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