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  1. tapeworm

    southern cattlemen

    Excuse me but the reason Im ASKING...not so that if Im wrong I can apologize and clear things up. What's wrong with that?? Some of you gusy are extra sensitive arent you?? If you cant help me and anwser the question go on down the road...simple enough
  2. tapeworm

    what happened??

    I remeber when this Coffee forum was a good place to tell clean jokes or talk about other stuff..a family could have your grankids sit on your knee on weekend or summers and share some laughs with other ranchers. I looked in here while ago to see where to post something taht didnt...
  3. tapeworm

    southern cattlemen

    I wrote this on another posting last week...I thought it was just stating ffacts..not meant to insult anybody tapeworm: "I know the averge cowman in the south doesnt care about the carcass...thats probaly because of there size..they dont make a living running cows..they dont really treat...
  4. tapeworm

    electrical stimulating

    ...this a spec for there nolanryan beef. Im still not for sure that ALL of the big packers are doing it ever carcass. I think this is Mikec*s field but Id like to find out more about it if anybody else knows also does anyboyd know if the Chb and Cab specs call for electical...
  5. tapeworm

    Tenderness which breed

    this is good stuff...the sort of stuff we need to be talking about. I think theres probaly to much variation among indivbiduals to compare breeds without doing at least a few thousand of each Id also like to see each breed comparing differnt bloodlines within there breed
  6. tapeworm

    Is Brahman influenced beef bad?

    Sorry dun...I didnt mean for it to be a teetee contest...I jsut think that if someboyd says something about you thats not true...or somthing you dont agree have a right to reply
  7. tapeworm

    Is Brahman influenced beef bad?

    Are you talking to me?? Sorry friend..I guess i dont understand...I never said anything to you but did I post somthing that bothered you??
  8. tapeworm

    Is Brahman influenced beef bad?

    Good golly I hope they dont discount ALL carcasses under 1000...that would be almost all of em....or do you mean carcasses under 1000 but over 950?? Guess the dern packers would probaly like to be able to discount em all tho...any excuse to keep more money in there pocket. LOL No offense...
  9. tapeworm

    Is Brahman influenced beef bad?

    Thank you Mikec..didnt know that...Ill read up on that when I have some more time...thank you
  10. tapeworm

    Is Brahman influenced beef bad?

    Ya...i guess not :(
  11. tapeworm

    Is Brahman influenced beef bad?

    Thank you say things a lot better than I can I agree about Nolan ryan...theres a rancher that cares about the future....a quality man turning out a quality product
  12. tapeworm

    Is Brahman influenced beef bad?

    Nothjing but attacks ferom you kent?? I thought you wanted it to remain civil?? Like this: "The more you post, the more uninformed you reveal yourself to be." "You, my friend, are what they call a lost cause." Sorry Kent but Im afraid you dont know what your talking about...check with...
  13. tapeworm

    Pros and Cons of Angus

    I agree with you folks about culling more bulls...I wish more registered breedrs carried a knife with em instead of scales and tags. Its probaly also true that SOME of the angus peopel have really given in to the demand for anything black with balls and havent been agressive enough in...
  14. tapeworm

    cbb....certified bramer beef

    "its just have me a calf every year too heck with quality." I hear you cowman...we have those kind around me to...and dont think that they dont hear about it from me ever chance I get I wish more ranchers were like you and cared aboput the future
  15. tapeworm

    Is Brahman influenced beef bad?

    beefy if your talking about the texas ball player nolan...he already knows theres a problem. Ive studied there program a little bit..I give him and his neighbors credit for recognizing that there cattle have carcass problems and doing something about it. They guarantee iot to be tendr but only...
  16. tapeworm

    Is Brahman influenced beef bad?

    I think this is all propaganda put out by the Southern Floppear Associatiopn. Not really...just picking on Alcowman LOl Nice try Kent but cant you do better than 1 article thats from the middle 90s?? I bet you can...maybe old tapeworm needs to do some searching for you to help you out...
  17. tapeworm

    cbb....certified bramer beef

    Im ready to drop this but seems some of you folks just alwasy got to get in the last word..which is ok with me..I know that is...but i just had 1 or 2 more remarks...then you last worders can have it. lol To 3Mr...Everthing is just fine with us...ive got pretty thick skin...itws just that when...
  18. tapeworm

    cbb....certified bramer beef

    Sorry all this was so long...I hope I got everbodys answer pasted up in the right places...i need to try harder to start keeping up with the cattle boards EVERDAY like you REAL ranchers do. LOL You peopel just keep on trying to run me down to make yourselves look smarter but you have NEVER NEVER...
  19. tapeworm

    cbb....certified bramer beef

    ...and the differnces in cattle...ive still got a lot to learn to and id like to see your stock if I ever get down south....and someday Id like to show you some of mine if yiou ever have a few days to spend up here in *yankeeland* LOL I never tried to intimdate you or talk down to you cowman...NEVER