year for twins

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Just got in from morning chores. Cow had twins two days ago, was nursing both, now this morning the bull calf was walking the herd bawling and no response from mom. Brought him over to her, he walks up and she bunts him away. Twice. Then loves on the heifer. Never had one reject a twin this far into the game. Looks like I have a bottle calf (grrr). :mad:
on about 400 calves born here, I've had 10 sets of twins, of those 20 twins, 5 were DOA, 1 the mother died, 5 pairs were both accepted by the mothers, and 2 pairs got split up...

The last one I had to split up was a cow who was pretty stupid with 1 calf, so I didn't waste a minute trying to make her count to 2, it was miserable weather at night, so I took the little heifer into the shop and fed her, and put her to bed.. the next morning I had a cow that had lost hers a couple days earlier (breach birth), and I brought the heifer to her, and it was absolutely love at first sight, she claimed the calf instantly and raised it to 700 lbs by weaning. The next year she had her own heifer (my #8V Tatla), and the two looked IDENTICAL.. both super meaty, you would have thought it was her own calf!

Alan.. I'm not so sure your heifer was a free MARTIAN unless it had big eyes, thin neck, and was green! :p

3 to calf still, no twins so far this year, but one of the cows is the one that had the 2 110 lb bull twins last year... See if she has anything up her sleeves for me
Well, yesterday we pulled a group of dry cows out of the freestall barn... Out of the 4 we pulled out, 3 of them were confirmed pregnant with twins... Considering the dairy only has 60 head, that is 5% of the herd just in 1 small group :shock:

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