Winner "Man's Best Friend"

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada

Thank you ,this one was my entry, and is a picture of our tri color border collie Nikki. I think she was about 6 months old in the pic . I have to admit she is just a teeny bit spoiled ,but she is also an amazing cow dog but more importantly she is a huge part of our family . :heart:
In a few weeks we will be at the World stock Dog Competition at the Calgary Stampede cheering her breeder on for a 7 time world championship. :D

Congratulations to all the entries, there were some really great pics and beautiful 4 legged family members . Thank you for submitting a picture and for taking the time to vote . :tiphat:
HD did you pose that beautify or is that just where she chose to crash?? :lol2: She was probably one step lower about 30 minutes later.
Well, personally I am appalled. You are obviously working that dog too hard to wear her out like that. If you know what's best for her you will send her to me :D . Sam can attest that dogs don't work around here. :lol:
Thank you all for the very kind compliments. I think she is very beautiful and sweet too ,but I am also extremely biased. ;-)

TB she was and still is a funny sleeper ,when Nikki gets tired she just crashes wherever she is. I have to admit that having a very high strung BC pup and very intelligent really is not for everyone, especially if you make them a house pet as well as a cow dog. You really have to treat them like a young child as they even throw temper tantrums .We have had BC's before but never any this intelligent or eager to work. When I was guaranteed this dog will not quit they were not joking .She will not quit no matter how "hot" I get at her ,she will stop ,correct and keep on going .We still have a long ways to go as far as her reaching full potential but her health comes first and we still have a few more obstacles to overcome, if she can only be a companion and my beloved Nikkle ,that is fine by me :heart:

Btw as I was posting the names to the pics in the contest today Nikki was sleeping in a funny position again and kept crawling closer to the edge of the sofa. I soon heard a large thump as she had fallen off the sofa . She was OK but it sure scared her or maybe she was more embarrassed than anything . ;-) :lol:
I can kinda see that she's a very pretty dog but could we please see some pics where she isn't drunk and hasn't borrowed your clothes?
How old is Nikki now? Mine must be 5 1/2 - six months and still no formal training... at this rate I'll never get round to it.
Rego, Nikki is 2 and 1/2 years old now . Herding is bred into her, when hubby brought her home on Christmas Eve 2009 she was 6 weeks old and weighed 3.1 kgs(7.8lbs) but that didn't stop her from herding the cat around the house. :lol: At 5 months old she helped me sort and move bulls from their pen to different pastures .I was amazed that she was so commanding at such a young age. She has saved my behind a few times when I stupidly forget to latch a gate and the cattle figure it out . :oops:


Thank you for the kind words everyone . :wave:
With the new pup I'm amazed at the difference in boldness/herding instinct from my other dog. If she gets into the neighbours sheep she splits them into two mobs and takes one to each end of the field and keep them there, all without any training and a newly attained deaf ear. Unfortunately that leads to her spending a lot more time at home than might otherwise be the case.

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