We had a 7-year-old cow bloat and die and two days later a 900-pound calf (born around August) did the same. Both their rear ends were protruding out when we found them. We're trying to figure out why they're bloating. The hay the cow was on was clean hay, not full of weeds. Some of the other cows are also starting to look bigger.
The calf was in a separate area and got fed corn twice a day, approx. 6 pounds total. The hay he got wasn't always as good but wasn't terrible. They both had hay in front of them and could eat as much as they want whenever. Thinking maybe we should stop keeping hay in front of them all the time and let their stomachs shrink a bit?
The calf was in a separate area and got fed corn twice a day, approx. 6 pounds total. The hay he got wasn't always as good but wasn't terrible. They both had hay in front of them and could eat as much as they want whenever. Thinking maybe we should stop keeping hay in front of them all the time and let their stomachs shrink a bit?