Katpau":2be9erga said:
I think your observations are not unusual. .....this summer one of the participants brought a large group of yearlings
that included a few All in's. They were pretty high strung. .... those calves crashed through like their tail was on fire.
.......had to cull a really nice All In bull because he was too hard to handle.
Unlike weights, disposition scores are highly subjective. I believe the bad ones, but the good ones I look at with suspicion.
I can't add any first hand knowledge. But just a passing thought.
Deer Valley All In isn't expected to improve docility being breed average doc 14, so perhaps the root problem is the
Black Angus breed has more of a docility problem on average than most realize and more than many angus breeders
care to acknowledge? So maybe more attention should paid to selecting > doc 19 (top 25%) before it gets out of hand.
I too agree with looking at epd doc with suspicion and that is why doc 20 is kind of my cut off.
Certainly not scientific, but I've heard more antidotes of farmers being rolled by a "Black" cow than any other breed.
One advantage black angus have are the sheer number of proven A.I. sires to choose from, so there are many over
doc 21 (top 20%) available. One that looks really good to me is Mil Bar Hickok at ABS solid numbers across the board
and doc 33 (top 1%) to boot.