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Feb 27, 2006
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the new BSE TSE PRION MAD COW risk category the OIE gave the USA, puts everyone around the globe at more risk of a tse prion mad cow type disease now.

in my opinion, this new risk category was bought and paid for by your local cattle dealer, via fraud.

IT is of my opinion, that the OIE and the USDA et al, are the soul reason, and responsible parties, for Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy TSE prion diseases, including typical and atypical BSE, typical and atypical Scrapie, and all strains of CWD, and human TSE there from, spreading around the globe.

I have lost all confidence of this organization as a regulatory authority on animal disease, and consider it nothing more than a National Trading Brokerage for all strains of animal TSE, just to satisfy there commodity. AS i said before, OIE should hang up there jock strap now, since it appears they will buckle every time a country makes some political hay about trade protocol, commodities and futures. IF they are not going to be science based, they should do everyone a favor and dissolve there organization.

JUST because of low documented human body count with nvCJD and the long incubation periods, the lack of sound science being replaced by political and corporate science in relations with the fact that science has now linked some sporadic CJD with atypical BSE and atypical scrapie, and the very real threat of CWD being zoonosis, I believed the O.I.E. has failed terribly and again, I call for this organization to be dissolved. ...


(Adopted by the International Committee of the OIE on 23 May 2006) 11. Information published by the OIE is derived from appropriate declarations made by the official Veterinary Services of Member Countries. The OIE is not responsible for inaccurate publication of country disease status based on inaccurate information or changes in epidemiological status or other significant events that were not promptly reported to the Central Bureau,


i pulled this comment off another board about the OIE and all it's lobby groups. please see ;

Having been to their offices in Paris and talked personally with the Head of the Animal Test Section, you would choke if you knew how many lobby groups attend that office daily. There is a steady stream of paid lobby groups that have one goal in life and that is to sway the Section Heads of each department within the OIE to suit the needs of different juristictions around the world, which curiously enough, also includes the USA and Canada. Anyone can go there and chat with them - providing they can privide valid cause to be let in. To say that the only goal of the OIE is animal health is actually only part of their function. They are more than that and my discussions with Dr. Diaz there has showed me that. But to blindly make a statement regarding what they do when you have no idea what they actually do is like eating the skin of the orange and not knowing what is actually under. Interstingly you state that the US Government applied pressure (to the OIE) I assume and that is a great example of the lobby groups doing their job. So, at the end of the day, one can safely assume that it is the pressure applied by certain influential lobby groups that will determine a likely aoutcome to an apparent OIE directive. Man alive, isn't it great to live in a democracy wherein the people get to make the choices and not just some "other" interested party or group - say like........Cargyll or Tyson for example?

So, one last question, question?

Who wags the tail of that dog?? And for what reason other than one that is purely associated with trade and international agreements and greed?

Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Occupation: CEO of BSE Prion Solutions Inc.
Interests: Prion Diseases and Live Animal Testing


please see history of the USDA, OIE, mad cow follies and cover up and fraud there from here ;

Thursday, May 30, 2013

World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) has upgraded the United States' risk classification for mad cow disease to "negligible" from "controlled", and risk further exposing the globe to the TSE prion mad cow type disease

U.S. gets top mad-cow rating from international group and risk further exposing the globe to the TSE prion mad cow type disease

http://madcowusda.blogspot.com/2013/05/ ... ealth.html

http://transmissiblespongiformencephalo ... etary.html

Yeah you're right. The low body count has nothing to do with the pure fact that there's never been a single case of zoonotic transmission to humans. And of the very very few cases of prion disease most can't even be proven where they aquired it.
But you, in your infinite wisdom, choose to go to a cattle board an accuse cattle growers of being liars and lobbying to change the minds of the WHO and very other health origination out there including the FDA.
But your mommy died, you have no clue where she acquired it, and WERE the people that are wrong.
Definition of insanity and a lonely old, pitiful existstance of a man

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