Do you notice an uptick in feed consumption or a bigger than normal loss in body weight with fall calvers? We've thought about having a fall calving heard but dry cows can get by on so little feed in the winter and I'm worried about the heat with weaning in July or August.As everyone said, it depends on when you want your calves born, I live in East Texas and prefer late fall calves and I do not want anything born after tax day (April 15). I had left bull out last year and had a few May and a couple of summer calves. Bull came out July 20 and won't go back in until December 1.
I did fall calving a couple times and now going back to spring/summer. Too hard on the cows. I did not separate the fall calvers from the rest of the group for feeding.Do you notice an uptick in feed consumption or a bigger than normal loss in body weight with fall calvers? We've thought about having a fall calving heard but dry cows can get by on so little feed in the winter and I'm worried about the heat with weaning in July or August.