Tranquing a cow to capture

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My saga of the wild cow. Bought a heifer at the sale barn, a really lovely thing and calm. Unloaded her with others and she promptly cleared a 6 foot corral. Didn;t see her for a month so figured she was thankfully gone. I finally spotted her one day in the pasture laying up in some brush. It took another month until she would occasioanlly be seen near the other cows but as soon as she saw anyone she was gone again. Got a vet out to help hunt her. It took 6 darts over the span of an hour to get enough drugs in her to slow her down to the point we could get her cornered and get a tralier to her. Got her loaded by her running backwards into the trailer. Hauled her to the sale barn, a half hour drive. She was going nuts in the trailer and I warned the guys to clear the alleys cause she was nuts. They obviously didn;t believe me because she put 3 of them over the 10 foot high alleys. The next day when she came in she tried to climb into the auctioneers lap. Bidding at that point was really slow since they could see how snorty she was. When she was climbing into his lap one of the ringmen grabbed her tail and pulled her back into the ring. She promptly lifted him over the rails into the crowd and the bidding went nuts. One of the bidders bought her to present to the ringman as a gift. Turned out I got back not only what I had paid for her but enough to pay the vet too. It didn;t pay for thre metal time and welding rtod for the week it took to rebuild the trailer thoguh.
dun":387ddvrb said:
My saga of the wild cow. Bought a heifer at the sale barn, a really lovely thing and calm. Unloaded her with others and she promptly cleared a 6 foot corral. Didn;t see her for a month so figured she was thankfully gone. I finally spotted her one day in the pasture laying up in some brush. It took another month until she would occasioanlly be seen near the other cows but as soon as she saw anyone she was gone again. Got a vet out to help hunt her. It took 6 darts over the span of an hour to get enough drugs in her to slow her down to the point we could get her cornered and get a tralier to her. Got her loaded by her running backwards into the trailer. Hauled her to the sale barn, a half hour drive. She was going nuts in the trailer and I warned the guys to clear the alleys cause she was nuts. They obviously didn;t believe me because she put 3 of them over the 10 foot high alleys. The next day when she came in she tried to climb into the auctioneers lap. Bidding at that point was really slow since they could see how snorty she was. When she was climbing into his lap one of the ringmen grabbed her tail and pulled her back into the ring. She promptly lifted him over the rails into the crowd and the bidding went nuts. One of the bidders bought her to present to the ringman as a gift. Turned out I got back not only what I had paid for her but enough to pay the vet too. It didn;t pay for thre metal time and welding rtod for the week it took to rebuild the trailer thoguh.

dun, I just want to know, "are you up late or early?" What breed was she? You got to wonder about these wild cows. There is a young man who works at the nursing home, has cattle in the same county I do. He was telling me at noon yesterday that he has a crazy cow. He is scared of her and will not let his small children in the pasture. He wants to get rid of her and has tried but it has been a rodeo every time. I volunteered to help him. His story was along these same themes.
I have used the easy going OLDER cow trick more than once it works and the right old gentle cow that always meets you at the gate trying to be the first to get her head in the feed bucket wont go crazy and join the wild one . There is a leader in every herd
Had a cow that broke into one of my pastures the man brought a horse and was about ready to shoot the cow, she kept trying to stay in the woods, so I turned in an old gentle leader cow and the same day she had ol wildy out of the woods into the open and they roped her, if he would have gave me another day wildy would have went into the lot with my gentle cow but he thought he had to get her on that trip ??,
And one other thing the gentle cow I used that day was a FULL BLOOD RED BRAHMAN you could sit on her , turn all the kids you wanted out to play with her just do anything you wanted to with her and she was not going to get fired up she was almost a problem she was so tame
inyati13":1s7kj97g said:
dun, I just want to know, "are you up late or early?" What breed was she?
Both! It was claimed she was limo, sure looked like one to me.
Sounds like she is just plainly scared of being alone and doesn't want do anything with the strange creatures. I have this heifer that got behind at one of the pasture few years ago. Never been in a trailer before but she was the last one to be hauled out and she panicked that she got out of corral before we could get her in the trailer. Went feral on us for few months till we brought the whole herd home. Today, she is still here and had her second calf so far and finally learned how to get in the trailer.
Wow - thanks for all the responses! Love the cartoon btw. Haha. We live in SE Kansas.

We rented the tranq gun from our vet last weekend and didn't see hide nor hair of the wench all weekend until we took our plane up and found her waaay north in a field that we couldnt get her loaded if we dropped her. So we're hoping she'll evenutally migrate back down to a access point.

I have thought of the idea of putting a couple of our hand fed cows in the open area with her and call them in. I was worried she might make them nervous too though? I'd like to get more feedback on that?

I think there was a good point made - she's not really wild - just smart. She's not a fence jumper - a storm put a tree down and she and a few others got out but we got the others back in. She's always been a little bit of a loner - when we'd get them up to feed, she'd hang back until we were clear of the feeders.

I'll keep you all updated when we finally get this heifer stopped, dropped and loaded. Haha Thanks for the input and advice!

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