Tip # 2

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2004
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West TX
Learned this one from the boy scouts. BE PREPAIRD. Always carry extra crap in the truck. I have a bag with drugs I might need, gloves and other stuff. Fews days ago some people were talking of what to have if emergincies arise for horses. I feel the same about cattle. Most of the time the VEts office that my wife works at is closed when I am looking at cattle. They would open but somtimes you don't have time. I carry a hearding stick not just for the animals but for snakes and such. What are soem other things?

I always carry 15-20 ft of 1/4" or 5/16" chain with hooks on each end. Also, a 6' fiberglas sorting stick is standard issue on my truck. And, carry bolt cutters, pliers, hammer, a hoe in the summer (for weeds, goard vines), hacksaw, "Jake's Wire Tighteners & Tool", screwdrivers, WD-40, bailing wire, rope in tool box...among other things. Often my cell phone too, especially if I'm the only one around at the time.

Have been known to pack a gun also.
almost always a piece of some size, kind of like alternating rounds i snake shot 1 good round, just in case :D
.410 and a 20 guage. 20 guage is in the truck and the .410 is on the saddle.
gotta an old 94 30-30 behind the seat ruger 357 in close proximity of me loaded every other round with snake shot. hate snakes
i pack a machete and a digital camera. right now i'm also carrying pour-on dewormer and doing a little spot spraying. you can never have enough bungee cords either.
Fencin Plyers
bucket of wire ties
bucket of staples
fencin staves
T-post driver
Sortin Stick
Ear taggin plyers and tags
Cow Record Book
Digital camera
Hot shot
usually 1/2 roll of barbwire in the back
Spray can of (can't remember the name of it) that purple spray stuff for wounds.
Numerous empty feed sacks, mineral sacks, and hay string.
oh yeah i forgot about the record book. thats a given. and i was embarrassed to say how many empty mineral sacks are in there (cant count that high)
Better carry some OFF! for skeeters and noseeums, drinking water, and I always have a nice collection of Johnny Cash CD's. I carry a tool belt to carry fence pliers, hammer, and staples, too.
LOL minerals don't smell bad to me.

Oh yeah there is a can of off in the glove box, daggum skeeters will tote me off if'n it gets anywhere near sundown and I"m out.
I've found that I can carry just about everything in my truck EXCEPT the tool I need for the project I happen to be working on at the time I need it. If I happen to be at the barn then the tool I need is either at the house or in the truck, which I left at the house. :roll:
sidney411":1z4xnsf7 said:
I've found that I can carry just about everything in my truck EXCEPT the tool I need for the project I happen to be working on at the time I need it. If I happen to be at the barn then the tool I need is either at the house or in the truck, which I left at the house. :roll:

alright!! somebody that works the same way it do.. :lol:

sidney411":1qrhr0vb said:
I've found that I can carry just about everything in my truck EXCEPT the tool I need for the project I happen to be working on at the time I need it.
That is exactly what I carry in my truck! :shock:
Beefy":ksfk71q4 said:
does OFF! work on Teenage Mutant Ninja Skeeters?

As a former resident of Georgia, I can atest to the fact that it does indeed work on this species of skeeters!
Beefy":3t7gw2ik said:
does OFF! work on Teenage Mutant Ninja Skeeters?

I found some skeeters in SE Louisianna that could carry a yankee away. I'm sure they took a pint of blood each time the bit me. I checked my bags twice to make sure I wasn't bringing any home with me. ERRR!!! that's all I need.
the ones that eat me up are so little ya dont see em till ya done been bit and are itchin.

OFF is good stuff even tho I do wish they'd make some without the smell. I tried Avon skin so soft one time.......omg was like a skeeter magnet. I couldnt git in the house and git that stuff washed off fast enuff.