Supreme Court

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They are rolling over in their graves. It should have been heard and out in the open and that would have satisfied everyone regardless of the outcome... it would have at least seemed fair and just.

We are not surviving an attack.... we are being smothered as this is the beginning of one side totally overrunning all that they deem "below them"..... Look at Venezuela...... we are following the same road.
I wonder what will be Trump's next publicity stunt to get $ from unknowing donors?
All the talk about not following the Constitution is pure fiction. The Constitution and law were followed. Don't forget that this Court has a 6-3 Conservative majority, 3 of which were appointed by Trump.

And by the way, if you are considering donating to his "legal defense fund" you should be aware that 75% of every donation to Trump's 'election defense fund' could be spent by the president himself on things like paying family members.
It would appear that those that contribute to Trump's latest fund raising effort have not read the fine print - another stunt.
They are rolling over in their graves. It should have been heard and out in the open and that would have satisfied everyone regardless of the outcome... it would have at least seemed fair and just.

We are not surviving an attack.... we are being smothered as this is the beginning of one side totally overrunning all that they deem "below them"..... Look at Venezuela...... we are following the same road.
Obviously, there is nothing to hear. It is just that clear to anyone with knowledge about law. This was just a fund raising publicity stunt. As usual with Trump it is all about $$$. SCOTUS does not want to waste time.
I do not watch MSNBC period, it is no better than Fox. He got rich because his father gave him $100 million dollars, plus he has over a billion he owes.
I watch all the news - yes all channels. I like to hear all sides. Shepard Smith has a news hour too.
I watch all the news - yes all channels. I like to hear all sides. Shepard Smith has a news hour too.
Newsmax is really angry - Sean Spicey is quite a ranter. What people won't do for $$$!
With Joe, James and Hunter Biden being bought by the CCP and their answer to the questionable action they were involved in was "plausible deniability". In other words, we can lie and you can't prove otherwise.

Kind of wonder why the Chinese are in Canada? Getting ready for the Biden ship to sail?

Start at about the 5 minute mark to see them marching.
Heard that part of the reason the the Supreme Court refused the case is because the suit called for specific things in refuting the election in the 4 states. It was said they would possibly hear the case and listen to the merits of it and then the outcome could be determined. Probably would be another suit at that time.

It was said that somewhere around 83% or Republicans, over 30% of independents and over 10% of Dems believe there was fraud in the election.

Hunter Biden has been under investigation for 2 years, but all of the fake news media and sleepy Joe himself kept saying that it was all propaganda. Barr himself refused even in the spring to release to the press information about the investigation. Also sleepy Joe's brother is under investigation now as well.

Many comments have been made that if the Supreme Court or any court refuses to hear the evidence or let it be presented, then what does that say about our constitution and it values. With so much of the population knowing and seeing the fraud, the refusal of courts will further divide the country. On one of the videos, after it was released for all to see, someone pointed out that one of the persons that was entering ballots was reentering them several times.

All that the American people want is a fair and honest election (which did not happen). If sleepy Joe won fairly that would be one thing, but remember he also stated that the dems had the largest voter fraud network. As the United States, we should be above elections that look like elections in third world countries.
Hope you feel the same way when they overturn Roe and stop the murder of millions.
Elections have consequences and this is one from 2016. I doubt very seriously that they will "overturn" it in its entirety. But I do believe that they will pave to way for some states to make it almost impossible to have one done in their state.
It also make one wonder, were courts, judges and their families threatened, being partly why the refusal to hear any case?
They refused to hear it because Texas has no standing. Period end of discussion. It was garbage from the beginning. Last week, they refused to hear the PA case and there was standing there, but zero proof.
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