stolen shorthorns

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holly heifer

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Nov 25, 2005
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:( The 4 shorthorn heifers stolen from the Louisville expo
turned up in a salebarn in rockville, IND. The heifers were
bought for $600 each. Two have been found sold to a guy
buying replacement heifers, the other two possibly for
slaughter. :( The police are checking this out. I was told
the shorthorns had a very high worth. Some moron stole
fantastic show heifers and sold them for $2400. He left the
tags in and the tatoos werent messed with. I hope this
idiot gets thrown into the slammer with sex starved inmates!
What a creep!!!!! :mad:
The cattle were all ran through the sale barn, none were slaughtered, but 2 still have not been reported by the guy that bought them like the other 2 were
Well at least they have a start on finding who did it. Getting the heifers back is a BIG step in the right direction.

I doubt they would go to slaughter.. unless they are "finished". I would think a buyer would keep them or resell them as replacements.
MY 2 QUESTIONS. BOTH ARE BASED ON EACH PARTY'S Stupidity. And i think someone will correct me or tell me different.

1st. How can the owners be so irresponsible that they let "VERY HIGH WORTH" cattle be unattended.(Contrary to this belief i have a defense. He either stole them in the middle of the night or he did such when the "irresponsible owners were M.I.A" THROW SOME COMMENTS AT THAT (REMEMBER JMO)

2nd. The Thief is either very smart or very stupid.
A. He new if he sold them anywhere else besides a salebarn he would have gotten caught.(SMART)
B. He went to all the trouble to get a trailer and load them all up (he must have contemplated it thoroghly) and steals the cattle but is so stupid as to take them to the sale barn to get a little money and go free. (STUPID)
C. He had a (excuse the pun) BEEF with the owners for possibly beating him all the time or he didnt like them and he was not meaning to steal them for a profit. Kinda like a slap in the face. Haha you can't beat me anymore cause I sold your cattle to a feedyard.

THAT IS JUST MY OPINION. Honestly i am leaning more to 2c for the reason of this whole ordeal.
Around here, they'll close the show barn at 21:00 or 22:00, then open it back up at 06:00. Hard to spend 15 straight hours watching your cattle. Never had a problem with anyone messing with anything, let alone my cattle. Stock Show makes you go through a check point when you leave with your livestock or tack. On the other hand, it's also possible to load a semi before you get caught. Check out the yards after the Foundation Sale at the Stock Show. We walked up to the pen where the heifers we purchased were, loaded them up, and no one asked for any proof. We had to go track down someone to check us out. Like a lot of things in life, it's the honor system.
When we are at shows, at least one person sleeps with the cattle. And by that I mean literally in the shed, behind the stalls. Not so much a security issue, but anything can happen overnight (animals hanging themselves, or getting loose, or calves getting stood on etc.) and its always better to have someone there close to them. For big shows we usually do shifts, so that at all times during the night someone is awake watching the cattle. For smaller shows we just sleep, and usually if there is a problem the cattle make enough noise to wake us up. A couple of times I have been woken up by an animal chewing on the end of my swag :lol:
Keren":3s9mdibn said:
When we are at shows, at least one person sleeps with the cattle. And by that I mean literally in the shed, behind the stalls. Not so much a security issue, but anything can happen overnight (animals hanging themselves, or getting loose, or calves getting stood on etc.) and its always better to have someone there close to them. For big shows we usually do shifts, so that at all times during the night someone is awake watching the cattle. For smaller shows we just sleep, and usually if there is a problem the cattle make enough noise to wake us up. A couple of times I have been woken up by an animal chewing on the end of my swag :lol:

That's the same with when I'm working. Although there's not usually anything to worry about with any of the animals, its usually some pr!ck who steals gear! Over $1000 worth of gear got stolen from the Ekka this year, and it was all locked up either in our "room"(so to speak) or in the feed/gear lockers. A fella this year got in with a piece of steel to jimmy doors open. There's a fairly big story behind that, so I wont go into it anymore. I was fitting Limo's & Lowlines at one of the local shows this year, cow had a calf in the shed, it was quite eventful :lol: But I agree, it's good to have someone in with the animals overnight, as you said anything can happen.

It's unfortunate to see animals getting stolen, that is quite a low act
I've never had any show cattle stolen but have had commercial cattle stolen. Its open slather here in Australia. Police don't care. You can get away with it,even with NLIS tags. I supplied the numbers and everything but the police chose to do nothing. I even told the police that the cattle were at the sale on the particular day,yet they chose not to do anything about it. I have no confidence in our police at all.
Australian Cattleman":eey371bg said:
I've never had any show cattle stolen but have had commercial cattle stolen. Its open slather here in Australia. Police don't care. You can get away with it,even with NLIS tags. I supplied the numbers and everything but the police chose to do nothing. I even told the police that the cattle were at the sale on the particular day,yet they chose not to do anything about it. I have no confidence in our police at all.

Is'nt there anyway to hold the police department accountable?
I do not know your local forms of government. But I would think you could go over their heads to compalin about Police performance. If they do not do their job over here, they can get in a lot of trouble.
Metalwoodchips":8sawegf8 said:
what the he!!