sent a calf to the sale

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Its not about inflateed markets...its about managing what you quit using that excuse of inflated markets. The only point Im trying to make to you is that instead of griping about inflated markets look at the reason why some calves dont bring what the other ones do..breeding and mangement
But your sure right about one make my point better than I did LOL...all calves dont bring the same..those milkcow blooded calves that never were mangaed right sure wont bring as much as a good calf..takes no more grass to raise a good 800 pounder than it does a sorry one. But thats just keep on leaving that money on the table for me and guys like me
tapeworm":1m1bdl4o said:
Its not about inflateed markets...its about managing what you quit using that excuse of inflated markets. The only point Im trying to make to you is that instead of griping about inflated markets look at the reason why some calves dont bring what the other ones do..breeding and mangement
But your sure right about one make my point better than I did LOL...all calves dont bring the same..those milkcow blooded calves that never were mangaed right sure wont bring as much as a good calf..takes no more grass to raise a good 800 pounder than it does a sorry one. But thats just keep on leaving that money on the table for me and guys like me

I agree with you Tape on the fact that the milkcow blooded calf won't bring as much as a good beef calf, but if he has less in that calf then wheres the foul?

As far as the breeding and management goes, and why some calves don't bring as much as others I guess since black is the current fad we should all sell out whatever it is we have and go strictly black? I know those type calves bring more but not everyone is willing to make a few cents more just off of color.

The man is obviously doing something right or else he wouldn't make a living at it. Very few people can say that about themselves and as for the weekend cattlemen, I bet if a poll was run today as to how many would love to be able to make a living off their cattle.... well not trying to speak for anyone else but I know that I would.
tapeworm":3qw0ihjq said:
And your other figures about selling 750wt steers off wheat for 775..maybe sometimes but wrong figures for now. I could hedge those May grazeout steers for 1.13 yesterday..thats 847.50... why would you sell them for 775?? Thats 72.50 a head Tex..pretty big difference if your running a 1000 pays to keep up
That$77.5 is probaly about what those horned half holsteins with nuts will bring him. That's how he makes money; by selling about $35.00 cwt below the market for good stuff.
you boys are fun.talking an talking bout what a no good cattleman i am .an how much i lose.when yall are ashamed to post what your cattle brings.i must be doing so,ething sure cutting you boys to the bone w/o being nasty like yall are.
I am just an outside bystander. I don't know any of you folks, but i have kicked around in the cattle business and i do know that Texas has a small average herd size, lots of producers with less than 50 head (50 is very small). In my experiance it seems that producers that have a pragmatic business plan that is well executed are the ones that due the best. If you were willed half of texas and you run a hunter gatherer operation you could due alright. Otherwise put together a plan that makes sense and compliments your set up. Look at your operation and ask yourself WHY? first Question WHY a holstein Bull? Why not a Homozygous polled bull? YOu obviously don't dehorn and pay the price on sale day. Why the breed makeup? Where are you going with it. I owned a small group of angus x Holstein cows for a while great cows that really raised big calves. Harder than heck to keep condition on, had to keep them in the river bottoms they wouldnt work out in rough country. I never bred them back to a holstein cause i wasnt starting a dairy. I remember a time where holstein bull calves got clubbed over the head cause they werent worth anything. IF i had a herd of stein cross cows i would go get a bull that wouldn't throw horns and i would band the calves when they were born. That wouldnt take much effort at all to get that rolling and you would end up with a set of calves that wouldnt take near the blow at the auction house. I crossed mine with a limi bull calves were 800 lbs off the cow.
well im not saying what they are.but i do know this they dont know everything.go around bulling for a fight.i pay them no mind b/c as far as i can see post what your calves bring.that is if your not ashamed of sure not ashamed of my cattle.they wean heavy calves w/o being pampered.scott
gotta remember that if you don't do it the way that the big BOYS do it isn't wrong. if it works for you don't stop
if all you make is .10 on a $1.00 invstement and they make .15 on an $ 1.25 investment you will be wrong in their minds
keep doing what works for YOU.
well i dont see why macon tolorates their attacks on people here.but thats fine by me.but i dont have to take their im not leaving the board b/c of them.ive seen theit attacks before.they jump on people they dont like.better watch it or macon will hear bout it.scott
"You can always tell a texan, you just can't tell them much." A well agreed with quote in 49 of the 50 states.
Lol beef 11..sometime you just got to know when to give it up..some folks want to improve there cattle..Im always anxious to learn myself. But theres always some that never will country tho
I wish him luck anyhow
now your cooking tapeworm.each of us has our own way of doing things.ive been in an out of the reg polled hereford am going into the reg beefmaster i do know alot about cattle.a cattleman is born not made.ive sen guts get in the dairy business an only last 5yrs till they went the bank got everything they owned sage in the beef catttle.i doubt very few of you boys started from scratch like my family did and buy an pay for 320 out of 400acs solely off cattle.chew on that a little hoss.futher more my great grandpa was going like $4000 a hd for reg horned hereford bulls in the 20s.scott
LOL tex..your a real impressive cattleman. Yep everbody should try to be just like you when they grow up...i know Im sure gunna try harder
goodbye tex
well hoss you cant shake me up ive seen you blow smoke an all i can deal with yu b/c im ignoring wont see me attacking people here at cattletoday like you do.
bigbull dont letem get you down, I raise H.Herefords and sellem with their horns ON. Lots of angus breeders around here tell me to run an angus bull on those herfs but I dont want to YET. They tell me I will get .25 more per pound, But my herfs have done just as good as theirs. I will one day put a black bull in to get some more B.Baldys but I like the red white face for now.If you are making money then you must be doing something right. JHH
i do things the way im used to.i disslike horns more than anyone here.but at this time im running horned or polled bulls.lim not changing my ways less its a good change.put you a polled hereford bull on them cows for a well as new bloodlines in the herd.scott