Salesbarn Prices

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you got that right maybe alot of guys selling their cows this fall an winter.its clear there wont be any money in cattle for a this ride may last a few years.unless something causes corn to hitt bottom.
Trying year is right. I'm beginning to get depressed myself and I don't like the feeling. Even if the price of corn would fall to $2.00, the added production costs due to diesel and fertilizer would still make it tough to make any real money. On top of this, I'm experiencing yet another drought year which seems far worse than last year's. I don't know what to do. I just know you can't keep putting crap on the back of a pack mule and expect it to continue carrying the load. Eventually something is going to break and I don't want it to be me. Of course I'm either hard headed or stupid cause I'll be up bright and early tomorrow working on a new corral. :roll:
Here today in No. CA prices were $88-91/ hwt for heifers, $91-100 hwt for steers (600lb plus), $10-40 per head for 300# and under calves. Sad to see a gorgeous Angus bull go through 1830 pounds for $600.00, but I guess he was there at auction for a reason. Horses went through for $10 each!
We had our last sale of the summer today and steers and heifers were about the same as what Jaybird is saying. Hvy bulls were down from 3 weeks ago and selling for around 60 to 70 cwt. The best prices were for very heavy slaughter cows at 55 to 60 cwt.
Yes I got my weekly 'Alabama Livestock Market News' and we are off 10-15 cents a lb in all the feeder calf classes (since the May 23 flyer). Cull cow prices are still up and pairs are still expensive. Goats are just about give away. I meant to go to Boaz to the goat/sheep sale today to check things out; but visited my Great Uncle instead. IF the AL goat growers are getting as little as the ALMN says I don't see how they make any money. IF corn breaks like we think it is headed ($8, 9, 10?? a bushel), the fall runs will be a buyer's market like nothing we have seen since ~94.
I got a bad feeling that we are in for many years of poor prices. With corn ,fuel and fertilizer prices the way they are I think we may be doomed.
It seems the hammer has dropped.

There has been plenty of notice on the board that his could happen.

I hate it for the folks in Iowa and the rest of us. Just another thing that will hurt the working man.

Better tightin up the belt.
Now, I'm not saying it will.......... but I wonder if prices will increase after July 15th..........

The reason I say this is because they have a grandfather clause in COOL, anything here prior to July 15th is grandfathered in ............. anybody else seen that and what do you all think??

Yes, I realize grain is very high and that's got many in a headchute and squeezing tighter, but after July 15th they can't import live cattle and say they fall under the grandfather clause.
Thats what i heard about horses, can't hardly give them away right now. I did not realize the prices had falling tha tbad for steers under 300# though. Good time to buy if you got the grass. Surely the market won't stay down for years.

MoGal":q15nj8f7 said:
Now, I'm not saying it will.......... but I wonder if prices will increase after July 15th..........

The reason I say this is because they have a grandfather clause in COOL, anything here prior to July 15th is grandfathered in ............. anybody else seen that and what do you all think??

Yes, I realize grain is very high and that's got many in a headchute and squeezing tighter, but after July 15th they can't import live cattle and say they fall under the grandfather clause.

The underlying problem is the grain price. Fat cattle are still in the $90s. A 1200 pound steer is worth ~$1100 when butchered. The problem is we need to put 600 of those pounds on that calf in the feedlot. Assume 4.0 pounds of feed per lb of gain, and we need 2400 lbs of grain and at $8 corn and $11 beans that translates into ~$430. If medication, death loss, trucking, labor, yardage, interest, and profit all cost another ~$120, then the most the feedlot could pay for that calf is $550 or ~$.915 a pound. I don't see how COOL really helps those fundamentals.
Starnge...last Monday 7-8 wt steers went for $101, 6-7 wt for 110 and 5-6 114. Slaughter bulls were $70 looks like it is just a matter of time till we get hit, wonder if I should even think about hauling anything to the sale on Monday. DMC
I caught a little of the feeder auctions on RFD at lunchtime last week , prices were still over a dollar . If corn would go back to $2.00 most grain farmers would be out of business , I know I would be. With $7.00 corn , meat prices will have to go up in order to stay in business.
From what I have seen in our Northeast Texas area, the 600 to 700 lb calves are worth more per lb than the 400 lb or 500 lb. calves. Message being sent is to leave them on grass longer so the calves do not have to be fed as long.

On another note, it is hard to compare the video auctions with sale barn markets because they are dealing with truckload lots instead of individuals.
We've tightened way up. Income from chickens was getting close to a loss. We sold 2/3 of the flock at a small profit. Now have enough feed to last through the next growing season, I hope. Cattle remains profitable, For now. Our largest monthly cost is fuel. In the next month or so we will be burning our own fuel, I'm getting over 200 gallons of WVO from one restaurant.
We started dirt farming this spring. Demand has far exceeded our expectations. The tomato scare helped.
For the most part sounds like most folks need to find new markets for there products.
Now if the gov. would leave me alone. I can see myself now, standing in the field putting stickers on everything, cows,eggs, cucumbers etc.
Caustic Burno":3tzvbj7z said:
Seen salebarn prices this week, man what a tumble. This is going to be a trying year.

It is time to buy yet? Rock bottom is when most of us need to be jumping.
backhoeboogie":36hk0d6w said:
Caustic Burno":36hk0d6w said:
Seen salebarn prices this week, man what a tumble. This is going to be a trying year.

It is time to buy yet? Rock bottom is when most of us need to be jumping.

Don't go tellin everybody
EAT BEEF":2ocyvzdp said:
backhoeboogie":2ocyvzdp said:
Caustic Burno":2ocyvzdp said:
Seen salebarn prices this week, man what a tumble. This is going to be a trying year.

It is time to buy yet? Rock bottom is when most of us need to be jumping.

Don't go tellin everybody

:D It doesn't matter. You know that too. People will jump in and buy animals when they are high, for way more than they are worth "private treaty". A year later they haul them to the evil sale barn and dump them when prices are down.

I've got hay (loads of it), I've got pasture, and I've got a few nickels. When the bottom falls out I am jumping in the hole.
backhoe - You are right - and this is the same is other industries as well.
Yea I did that back in the fall of 96 I spent every bit of money I had(I was a senior in high school and still lived at home) on feeders.The next spring I did real well most of the neighbors thought I was dealing drugs :D . Back east I could buy 300lbs feeders for about $100 I didn't know what I was doing,but I had a bunch of hay.There will be a few folks who really do well if the market tanks.
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