Salebarn bottle calves

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May 7, 2016
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:help: Hi, I have the opportunity to buy 2 Beef calves for $50. The only catch is they were bought from a Sale barn today,. Any Advice?
Meds ect? They had a Antibiotic shot and a Multimin 90 shot.
If you don't have a lot of experience with raising bottle calves, I'd say keep your $50. If you do have a lot of experience raising bottle calves, you don't need me to tell you that. :)
I have a lot of experience with bottle calves, but I've only had 4 from the sale barn. They did fine for me. I had to deal with some bad scours. I haven't seen the calves yet, I'm supposed to look at them this afternoon, I'm just kinda Leary, because they only cost $50 for both of them and I'm used to paying $150 for a beef calf off of the farm. But I also don't know what beef calves are bringing at the sale barn these days.
The best medicine for a salebarn bottle calf if to work calmly with them, get them in a stress free warm environment, don't give them milk immediately but ELECTROLYTES at intervals for a 6hr period. After that you may start giving them milk.
Around here heifer calves or bull calves under 75 lbs are being given away. Most of the "beef" calves at our local sale barn are actually beef x dairy crosses. Look for signs of dairy influence and adjust your price/expectations accordingly.
I clean mine up with iodine. Basically bath them in it. Then I give a nasal pneumonia vaccine and just see how they do! I only treat them when they need treating.

I give an 8 way at 8 weeks.

It's normal for my bottle babies to come with the runs. Once I give them milk replacer it usually gets worse for 3 days. To combat I give morning milk, afternoon electrolytes and evening milk.

If I was near you and you passed those calves up I'd be running there to grab them. $50 for a beef bottle calf is a good find. I'd be thrilled to take them.
Hereford2 said:
They are splits from off of Beef cows. Thank you all for the advice!

Beauty of a buy and the number one calves I like to get my hands on. Especially heifers like this. I have got some of my best breeding cows this way actually...not for genetics but for easy keeping.

I also like to believe my place in the cattle world is these types of calves. These little calves need someone and I love to be their someone
Well I bought them, they are dehydrated and super skinny they are probably 2 and 4 weeks old the older has poop running all over the other one is kinda stuffy sounding. The guy gave them Baytril and Badimine and a multimin 90.
Hydrate and evaluate....
I've heard benamine can sometimes mask problems because it kills pain and the calf seems thriftier than it actually is.
Good luck with them. Seems like a worthwhile project.
Let us know how things go?
Any pics of the lil buggers?
I buy calves like this but not that cheap. I try to get them on my feeding schedule and get them into a clean dry pen asap. I dont give meds right away as some dont need it. I do give them probias right away and every day for a week. I get them drinking my favorite brand of milk replacer. nutrablend 22/20 all milk protein non-medicated. I find that most take a few days to recover from the stress of the salebarn and being separated from momma. I take their rectal temperature. I only give meds if under 100 or over 102.5. They might have some stress scours but time and de-stressing will fix that. I've yet to lose a salebarn bottle calf. I've lost off farm buy calves however.
Well I went out early this morning and the smaller calf was dead, his breathing sounded terrible, last night. These aren't really young calves, their umbilical cords were gone already,
And the smaller calf only weighed 40pounds
The bigger calf weighs 70 pounds. The bigger calf drank his bottle down this morning and tried to crow hop, but he is weak so he almost fell. They are skin and bones. I forgot to get a picture this morning I hope I remember to later.
Hereford2 said:
Well I went out early this morning and the smaller calf was dead, his breathing sounded terrible, last night. These aren't really young calves, their umbilical cords were gone already,
And the smaller calf only weighed 40pounds
The bigger calf weighs 70 pounds. The bigger calf drank his bottle down this morning and tried to crow hop, but he is weak so he almost fell. They are skin and bones. I forgot to get a picture this morning I hope I remember to later.

Wow. Ok. Regardless of what anyone has to say this is animal abuse. Not from you but from whomever allowed this to happen. What the F is wrong with people. Seriously. Id like to have a conversation with the person that sold them at the sale barn.

How are this calfs joints? I have dealt with a lot of joint ill with calves like this. The hop and the symptoms have me questioning if that's what you're dealing with. How does the navel feel? It should be soft not hard like a bullet under the skin.

Check this calfs temperature ASAP.

Do morning milk, afternoon electrolytes and evening milk.

Id be prepared to spend some money.
And sorry if its cold where you are keep this calf warm. If you have a calf blanket to let it wear even better (assuming its cold out). Keep this calf dry and warm and away from other cows.
I AGREE 100% .... I was surprised they didn't have umbilical cords.. because They are so small.. His temp is fine, I have him away from my other calves, he doesn't walk stiffly, I am alternately feeding Jersey milk and Electrolytes
To him. I'm going to be giving him at least 2 milk feedings and 2 electrolyte feedings daily staggered so they don't mix in his stomach, I had water in the pen for him , but he was guzzling it and so was the one that died, so I'm giving him his liquid by bottle, because I'm afraid he will make himself sick from drinking to much water at once, he's like a guy in a desert that found water and can't stop drinking.
Lets hope this little calf just wasn't being fed enough and turns around quickly. Have you given a nasal pneumonia vaccine?

Please keep us updated! I take each of these loses hard. I really really hope this calf pulls through for you!!!!
Thank you all for the advice and the encouragement! 😀 I'm going to give him another bottle of electrolytes around 10, and then see how he is In the morning, his poop is like water now .

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