Run of heifer calfs

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We had all bulls in the fall, and the first three this spring were bulls, now 2 heifers. Next one due the first of April. Then two cows that follow are sexed carrying bulls. So, even if the next one is a heifer the bulls outnumber the heifers this spring!
6 bulls 2 heifers and 7 more to go. 4 are AI so hopefully they are heifers. Got some big goggles at least on the last bull calved about an hour ago. Pigment sells a man from the third world once said.
ShadyHollownj, I'm in the same position you are... first two calves are both linebred heifers, now 6 bull calves in a row, 12 to go for a total of 20 if all goes as it should... So with 8 down I have no replacements yet, and I think I only have about 3 cows in the upcoming bunch I'd like a heifer from, and one of them has had 10 heifers and 5 bulls in her life so far... Not looking good for a replacement heifer year for me, and I have 4 cows I'd rather get rid of than keep another year, but with this I might be stuck with some of them another year.

It was an interesting thread... I didn't have great conception first cycle (natural breeding) this year... only about 65% on first cycle, the rest, except one on the second, and she's always late (One I'd like to get rid of)
One property is now at 100% heifers and another property is 100% bulls. With 10 left to calve yet
We won't start calving until mid-May, but I'm hoping for steer calves on the X-breeding we did. Have enough heifers for now, but could use some boys for future butcher beef.
Well, I have one left (in may some time), and my count is 9 heifers 11 steers.. I think I might have the 4 replacements I want to keep, but certainly none to spare.

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