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Jan 16, 2006
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There is all this talk on television about "re-gifting". I could never imagine doing that but Good Morning America says 1 out of 6 people do it. That is hard to believe. What the heck would you do if someone gave you something nice and didn't see you with it anymore?

My parent's are dead and there is a whole bunch of sentiment in the gifts they gave me back when they were here. Heck, there is a lot of sentiment in things folks have given me that are still here.

All of this has me wondering. Has anyone ever given someone a gift only to find that they gave it to someone else? That must be a total bummer.
I am guilty of re-gifting. :oops:
I would never re-gift something from my Mom or my husband but I have family members who I never see and yet they feel obligated to give me a gift. Needless to say it is usually something I do not want or need. If I can find someone to give the item to that would like it I do. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest if they were doing the same thing.
Guilty, would not regift anything from my parents, but from distant relatives that feel the need to get me clothes that are way too big for me - fair game. Dad's birthday is about a week after Christmas, anything that's too big for me usually finds its way to his house.

Re-gifted several of those Meat/Cheese/Cracker gift box things. That is a gift that says "I didn't put any thought into this at all but at least I remembered you."
Can't say I've ever done this. I do, however, have a few gifts accumulated over the years that would be perfect for passing on to someone else. I guess my philosophy is if I didn't like or want something there's not many folks out there who would!

Fruit cakes on the other hand, would be a perfect "re-gift".
We're having our annual open house this weekend and will be having a "re-gift exchange" with a two take away limit. Alot of fun with some off-the-wall items.
May still have the bon-fire but after the fire dept incident last year we're not quite sure.
Not looking forward to the holidays ending...then its just another three months of bad weather.
Dave Mc
When the wife and I got married, we received doubles and triples of some gifts. Spent all of one day bringing the extras back to stores. Made about $400 of which we took to Biloxi, MS and had a nice weekend.
I have regifted.

My parents gave their neighbor a nice honey set. Had different types of honey and a honey jar and dipper thing. Anyway, guess what they got from the neighbors the next year? yep, the neighbors regifted it back to them. So if you are going to regift you should probably remember who gave it to you. :D
This must be one of the simpler things in life. I don't have to remember thankfully.

Now if I were crowder, I couldn't forget who gave that too me. :shock: :shock: I wouldn't get mad, but I sure as heck would get even. But it would take some serious thought to top that one tho.

Aren't those things triggered by motion? You could hang it in the barn and if anyone stepped in there that shouldn't....
Have re-gifted a few times, when I was teaching you would be given lots of presents from various Children, and the staff who were never seen i.e cleaners and caretakers got nothing, so unless it was personal, such as a necklace or simular, things were re gifted to them, tins of sweets (candy) wine and such like. did not see any harm in it.
Bullbuyer":220v56q3 said:
School kids gave you wine? They'd probably be arrested and deported here in the states for that.

it was the parents who gave the wine, when they came to pick up their children. It was after school had finished.
I have regifted in the past but for the last three years my freind has a white elephant party in January. everyone brings a wrapped gift they got for christmas but don`t like .draw numbers out of a hat pick a gift and one by one you open a regift. you have the choice of keeping it or trading with someone else. its alot of fun . But you still go home with something someone else doesn`t like. :)
I have recieved a 're-gift' and loved it. It was a hot-air corn-popper. However, my 2nd oldest brother was not too happy about my oldest brother re-gifting it.

I have re-gifted boxes of chocolates. There's just so much candy we can eat.

And as for those cheese/cracker/sausage gift boxes, we have a friend who loves those things, and is very disappointed if he doesn't get one each year.

I don't wrap things I can't use or don't need and give them as Christmas or birthday presents, but I have given them to people who can use or need them. As far as having something I've given someone be 're-gifted' - I would rather it be given to someone who can use it than have it be tossed or stuffed in some closet somewhere.
msscamp":2usnxdrt said:
I don't wrap things I can't use or don't need and give them as Christmas or birthday presents, but I have given them to people who can use or need them. As far as having something I've given someone be 're-gifted' - I would rather it be given to someone who can use it than have it be tossed or stuffed in some closet somewhere.

In that case we need to talk about the pink toe-nail polish you sent me. :lol:

Yes, I am guilty of this also. If we get a double DVD or something, it goes to someone else, usually out of state. They have to be nice re gifts though, and why not, doesn't make sende to keep 2 of anything, or something you already have.

We abide by a rule that we have to keep something for a year. My FILs ladyfriend gave us a goofy clock several years ago. We gave it back to her the next year, she gave it back to us the following year. That thing has made 5 or 6 trips across country. She finally unloaded it at a yard sale.


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