> Don't do anything but feed him for
> at least a year. He needs to
> develope size and strength before
> you can buck him. When you do buck
> him step off every time he turns
> back and when he bucks well. He
> will think he through you off and
> remeber to do it the next time.
> Some people use a dummy with a
> electronic release to do this.
> Odds are not in your favor.
> Probably not one in thirty bulls
> will make much of a bucking bull.
> You might be better off to buy
> two-year old bulls look like they
> move well and try them out.
> Remember bucking bulls don't have
> to be mean and mean bulls don't
> always buck. If this is to use for
> a practice bull being mean is
> definately not an advantage. Good
> Luck Dave
most bulls are not trained to buck. i used to ride bulls. im trying to get in the rodeo bussiness raising bulls. all the information i have got is that they are bred to buck. good luck
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